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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommunity Development Block Grant Public HearingSOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PUBLIC HEARING October 5, 2010 7:32 PM Present: Supervisor Scott Russell Justice Louisa Evans Councilman Albert IG-upski, Jr. Councilman William Ruland Councilman Vincent Orlando Councilman Christopher Talbot Town Clerk Elizabeth Neville Town Attorney Martin Finnegan This hearing was opened at 8:01 PM COUNCILMAN TALBOT: In April, 2011 the Town of Southold expects to receive approximately $130,000.00 in Federal Community Development Block Grant Funds. These funds may be used, and have been previously used for a variety of projects to be selected by local officials. Eligible activities include: Acquisition and demolition of blighted property Housing rehabilitation Elimination of physical barriers for the handicapped Public facilities and improvements Street Reconstruction Code Enforcement Public Water projects Economic Development Public Services (limited to 15%) Town Residents are invited to attend this public hearing on Tuesday~ October 5~ 2010~ 7:32 P.M. at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, to express citizen views on local housing community development needs to be met with these funds. I have a notice that it was posted on the Town Clerk's bulletin board on the 14th of September, I also have a notice that it was printed in the Suffolk Times on the 23rd of September 2010. There is a letter from the Dominican Sisters Family Health Services in support of this, 'Thank you for the opportunity to again apply for funding through this community development block grant.' Also I have a letter from the North Fork Housing Alliance, again requesting $72,500 for this round of funding. 'Thanking you in advance for all your cooperation in this matter and fully supporting it.' And the Robert Perry Community Development Block Grant Funds 2 October 5, 2010 Development Corporation which is the Robert Perry Daycare Center in Greenport, also putting in a request for $7,500 for 2010 and they are appreciative of the support in the past and would appreciate it again. And that is it. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Would anybody like to come up and address the Town Board on this public hearing? PEGGY MURPHY: I am here on behalf of CAST, Community Action Southold Town to request consideration for financial support through the Community Development Block Grant funding program. And just a quick paragraph, CAST is a not for profit organization incorporated in 1965 to help lower income residents meet their basic needs in the areas of nutrition, employment, energy, housing and education. Initially CAST was funded by the federal and New York State government. Our current financial support, with the exception of the Southold Town CDBG fund is depended on the generosity of the public and a variety of fund raising activities to maintain our commitment to serve our high risk clients, who are the neediest of Southold Town's residents. The letter goes on but I don't think it is necessary for me to read anymore. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Thank you very much. I appreciate it. MS. MURPHY: Shall I give this to you? SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Yes, please. Thank you, Peggy. Would anyone else like to address the Town Board on this public hearing? L1NDA RULAND: Hi, my name is Linda Ruland, I am from Mattituck. Mr. Supervisor, members of the Town Board, good evening. I am the director of Family Service League's North Fork Early Learning Center, a year round New York State licensed pre- school daycare center which many of you know is located in the Laurel school on the Main Road in Laurel. This year we have almost 100 children enrolled in our various half and full day programs. Toddler programs, 3 year old program, 4 year old program and a universal pre-kindergarten for Mattituck-Cutchogue 4 year olds which we operate under contract for the Mattituck Cutchogue School District. We have just finished our summer programs which provided up to 8 weeks of camp experiences for toddlers through school age children in 6th grade. In 2011 we will be celebrating our 30th year of providing early childhood education and licensed daycare for the residents of the north fork, of which the last 7 years have been as a program of Family Service League Inc. We have been privileged in the past to be the recipients of the Community Block Grant awards, these funds have helped the North Fork Early Learning Center to move from a one room facility to the beautiful and historic Laurel school campus which houses two buildings and seven classrooms. The funds have helped us adapt the buildings to accommodate our four classrooms. Currently we are completing a Community Block Grant project that will provide more appropriate playground equipment and a safer environment with the installation of safety surfacing. As the demand for quality child care services increases, due to the uncertain economy which fomes more parents into the workplace, we struggle to provide more needed daycare, especially for toddler age children. Our waiting list Community Development Block Grant Funds 3 October 5, 2010 continues to grow and every week I have to mm children whose families desperately need our services away. For the past two years, we have tried to open another classroom for our youngest population but the initial costs of setting up another program has been too costly for us to succeed. As we look to the future, we respectfully ask for your continued support to achieve not only this goal but to be able to continue to offer the families of the north fork the quality services that the Family Service League and the North Fork Early Learning Center are committed to. Thank you. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Thank you. MS. RULAND: Would you like a copy of this? SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Thank you. BENJA SCHWARTZ: Good evening, my name is Benja Schwartz from Cutchogue. Two years ago I had the opportunity to operate a sailing school out of Greenport Harbor with the North Fork Women's Resource Center and was just a wonderful opportunity to get to know children in the Town of Southold, specifically children who maybe otherwise couldn't have afforded a sailing program. Our sailing program is rather unique in that instead of just putting the kids on the boats and teaching them how to go off sailing, mostly around a little race course, nothing wrong with that but we went out cruising together on a larger boat. Looks like we are going to have an opportunity to do that next summer and we hope we will be able to take a lot of children out and we sure could use some help, if the Town has some funds to be contributed to that program. Thank you. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Thank you. Would anybody else like to address the Town Board on Community Block Grant funding? (No response) This hearing was closed at 8:09 PM ~eville Southold Town Clerk RE: 10/5/10 7:32PM, P.H. CDBG Funds 2011 FAA41L]~ SERVICE LEA6gIE NORTH FORR EARLy LEARNIN~ CENTER 675 FragMinvitte Re=E, L~nref, Ny 17968 RECEIVED OCT ~ 2'i0 Mr. Supervisor and Members of the Town Board, Good Evening. ~outhold Town Cle~J My name is Linda Ruland from Mattituck. I am the director of Family Service League's North Fork Early Learning Center, a year-round, New York State licensed preschool/daycare center, which, many of you know, is located in the Laurel School building on the Main Road in Laurel. This year we have almost 100 children enrolled in our various half and full day programs - a toddler program, a three year old program, a four year old program and a Universal Pre-Kindergarten program for Mattituck- Cutchogue four year olds, which we operate under contract for the Mattituck Cutchogue School District. We have just finished our summer programs, which provided up to eight weeks of camp experiences for toddlers through school-age children in sixth grade. In 2011, we will be celebrating our 30th year of providing early childhood education and licensed day care for the residents of the North Fork, of which the last seven years has been as a program of Family Service League, Inc. We have been privileged in the past to be the recipients of Community Block Grant Awards. These funds have helped the North Fork Early Learning Center to move from a one-room facility to the beautiful and historic Laurel School Campus, which houses two buildings and seven classrooms. The funds have helped us adapt the buildings to accommodate our four classrooms. Currently we are completing a Community Block Grant Project that will provide more appropriate playground equipment and a safer playground environment with the installation of safety surfacing. As the demand for quality child care services increases due to the uncertain economy which forces more parents into the workplace, we straggle to provide more needed day care, especially for toddler aged children. Our waiting list continues to grow and every week I have to turn children, whose families desperately need our services, away. For the past two years we have tried to open another classroom for our youngest population, the toddlers and three year olds, but the initial cost of setting up another program has been too costly for us to proceed. As we look to the future we respectfully ask for your continued support to achieve not only this goal, but to be able to continue to offer the families of the North Fork the quality services that the Family Service League and North Fork Early Learning Center are committed to. Ve, D/ truly yo~g~7~ Program Director Family Service League North Fork Early Learning Center RE: 105/10 7:32 PM, P.H. CDBG Funds 2011 COMMUNITY ACTION SOUTHOLD TOWN, INC. 311 Front Street ~ PO Box 159 ~ Greenport, NY 11944 ~. t. (631) 477-1717 ~ F. (631) 477-1788 RECEIVED Website: ~ Email: cast~} ~ 'lt is o~tr mission to promote self sufficiency and provide a safety net for Southold Town residents in need~, ~l~$t o To: From: Re: Date: MEMORANDUM Phillip Beltz, Town of Sou&old Special Projects Coordinator Peggy Murphy, CAST Board President Community Development Block Grant Program funding Request October 5, 2010 ~oalhold [own CJer~ I am writing this request on behalf of Commtmity Action Sou&old Town (CAST) for the continuation of the financial support by the Town of Sou&old Commurfity Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. CAST is a Not-For-Profit organization incorporated in 1965 to help low-income residents meet theh: basic needs in the areas of nutrition, employment, energy, housing, and education. Initially CAST was funded by the Federal and New York State Governments. Our current financial support, wi& the exception of the Sou&old Town CDBG fimds, is dependent on the generosity of the public and a variety of fund-raising activities to maintain our commitment to serve our high risk clients who are the neediest of Sou&old Town's residents. Our programs, tailored to meet the needs of our ever-growing client list include: Emergency monthly and school vacation feeding programs; Seasonal clothing distribution; · Job related services including job search and performance skills training, listings, and referrals; · Computer training and access; · Assistance in securing benefits and entitlements such as Medicaid, HEAP, Project Warm&, homeless housing, and food stamps; · ESL classes; · Nutrition classes; · Holiday food baskets; Family life enrichment classes. Beginning this fall we will be offering a pilot mentofing program for elementary students &at we plan to eventually offer to all the elementary schools in Sou&old Town. I would be happy to meet wi& you to fur&er discuss this request at your convenience. Thank you for your past support and for considering this request for 2011. NEIGHBORS HELPING NEIGHBORS Board Members PeggyMurPhy~.Pres~d~nt~DemsN~nCarr~w~VtcePres~dent~JeartneKe~ey~Treasurer~CindySmith~ Secretary ................................ Dave Hew~tt - Ahson Hegeman -Gail Horton ~ Sonja Rein.holt ~ Linda Orliz, Director 9929 STATE OF NEW YORK) ) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Karen Kine of Mattituck, in said county, being duly sworn, says that she is Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a weekly newspaper, published at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for 1__ week(s), successively, commencing on the 23rd day of September, 2010. Principal Clerk Sworn to before me this (~)0f"~ day of ~ 2010. On Commnaity D~lopmem l~ro~m A~mnt ~ ~ $1~,~.~ M Federal ~uni~ ~- ~ may be u~,and have ~cn p~- ~ ~ ~r a v~e~ of proj~ts to ~ ~t~ ~ [~ffi~ A~uhi~ ~d demolit~a of bli~t- ~ En~t ~nomic Development ~ at ~e ~0~ ~ York, t0 e~ ~' ~ ~ ~ ho~ ~ ~ent Da~: ~tem~r 7, 2010 - ,, ,BYO~OF OF~ TO~ OF ~O~ Elm~ Ne~e T~ ~ NOTARY pUBLiC-STATE OF NEW YORK No, 01_VO6105050 OuaBfied in SufloJk county Domini(on Si olth S(rvk( October 4, 2010 RECEIVED Ms. Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk Southold Town Hall P.O. Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 u., 5 2010 $outhol Clerk Re: Public Hearing- Tuesday, October $, 2010 Federal Community Development Block Grant Funds Ms. Neville, We aimlogize for being unable to attend the Public Hearing on Tuesday, October 5', 2010 at 7:32 p.m. at the Southold Town Hall. In the past Dominican Sisters Family Health Service has received funding from the Community Development Bleek~(3rani Funds towards our Volunteer Transportation Program. We are aware of the great need for transportation in your township. Any resident of Southold Town who requires transportation to a medical appointment is direcmd to call Dominicao Sisters Family Health Service Special Programs. The referral is usually through the Town's Senior Services, a neighbor or friend who has used our service, or a local church. We currently have approximately 21 local volunteers who drive the clients to their medical appointtnent? wait for them and drive them home. In 2009, we gave 350 rides to thirty five (35) clients for a total of 1,871 hours of service. We maintain a fil~ of current licenses and insurance of all volunteers. The majority of our clients are low-income, elderly residents who no longer drive. If we have a volunteer available, we try to a¢commodi~ie anyone's request regardless of age or income. The program has been in existence in Southold Town since 1997. The Interfaith Volunteer Program was formed in 1997 with initial support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to Dominican Sisters Family Henlth Service. It ia an outgrowth of the Charity in Action Volunteer Program for the agency. The Interfaith Volunteers help residents of Brookhaven, East I-Iampton. Riverhead, Shelter Island, Southampton and Southold by providing: transpoRation to a medical appointment, arrange shopping for groceries, picking up pr~sqriptions, work regular hours in a thrift shop, help with office work, or help and deliver meals at the holich~ys. Thank you for this opportunity to again apply for this funding through the Community Development Block Orant Funds. VIA Facsimile & Regular Mail Sincerely, Marianne Bogannam Development Coordinator OFFICE FOR DEVELOPMENT, INTERFAITH VOLUNTEERS, HELPING HANDS P.O. BOX 1028, H,,~4PTON BAYS, NEW YORK 11946 (631 ) 728-0937 F.,~x (631) 728-7162 North 9:orkHousing Alliance, Inc. (FORMERLY THE GREENPORT HOUSING ALLIANCE) ADEQUATE HOUSING FOR ALL~7~e...~,~.~.. NFHA@OPTONLINE.NET I=IARRY LATNEY1 PRESIDENT TANYA PALMORE~ EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR £ECEIVED October 4,2010 2010 Mr. Phillip Beltz Town Hall, 53095 Route 25 -P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Southold lown CNrk Re: Community Development Block Grant Funding Dear Mr. Beltz: Please be advised that the North Fork Housing Alliance, Inc. administers the Town of Southold's Rehabilitation Program. This program provides eligible owner occupied homeowners the opportunity to have health and safety items addressed at their homes. We in conjunction with the Town of Southold have completed over 150 units of rehabilitation since the inception of the program. This program is essential because without it, homeowners would not be able to complete the necessary improvements to ensure that their property is up to code. We currently maintain a waiting list of those persons waiting to be served as funding becomes available. Therefore, we are requesting $72,500.00 from this round of funding. I thank you in advance for all of your cooperation with this matter. TJP: tp Cc: James McMahon Ms. Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk FUNDED [~Y NEW YORK STATE DIVISION OF HOUSING & (~OMMUNITY RENEWAL AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AND PROVIDER VenetialMcKeighan, President Eileen McFetrldge, Vice President Wendal! Mealy, Treasurer Joan Mgrie Cortez, Director BOAR~ OF DIRECTORS Julia Edglish Rev. Nathaniel Heyward aseE. Maslon Swarm Josephine Watkins-Johnson ROBERT L. PERRY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ROBERT L. PERRY DAY CARE CENTER 612 Third Street ° Greenport, New York 11944 (631) 477-2931 October 1, 2010 Dear Supervisor Russell and Members Of the Town of Southold Board, I would like to officially submit our request that the Robert L. Perry Jr. Day Care Center be included in the Community Development Block Grant application for 2011. We are very grateful that Perry Day Care Center received these Community Development Block Grant funds of $7500.00 for this year, 2010, as we have been going through ~'ome very difficult financial times lately. To give you a brief summary of the.history of the Robert L. Perry Jr. Day Care Center, let me start at the beginning. Perry Day Care Center was built in ~991 using HUD funding to provide a centrally located child care center for parents of low to moderate incomes. The not for profit (501c3) corporation that currently runs Perry Day Care Center was re-organized in 1998 and is overseen by a Board of Directors. The building was specifically designed to be a child care center for a maximum of 25 children; currently we have 20 children enrolled. The children are residents of Greenport, Southold, Cutchogue and Shelter Island. About 85% of our children are from low-income homes in which both parents are working; in some cases, one parent may be employed at a seasonal job. The Perry Day Care Center contains 3 individual classrooms, each with its own bathroom, an office and a complete commercial kitchen. The 3 classrooms are an infant room for babies ages 8 weeks to 18 months of age, a toddler room for children 18 months to 2 ½ years of age, and a pm-school room for children ages 2 V2 to 4 years of age. We are the only New York State licensed child care center in the Town of Southold who can accept and care for infants under the age of 18 months. The children are offered two hot, freshly prepared meals a day as well as an afternoon snack. Each classroom has a daily schedule of activities that are age-specific and developmentally appropriate. Our mission is to provide top quality child care that is both nurturing and stimulating. As we have recently suffered a major financial loss in income (about $12,000 a month) because of a cut in New York State subsidies for many of our children, we are even more dependent than ever on public and private grants as well as on donations. As there continues to be a tremendous n6ed for quality child care on the North Fork we are bound and determined~to persevere and struggle through these financially challenging times. Thank you so much for your much needed and appreciated interest and support. OCT - 5 2010 T(!wP OF S£!UT~qOLD Sincerely, Page I of I Cooper, Linda From: Legals [legals@timesreview,com] Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2010 9:25 AM To: Cooper, Linda Subject: RE: CDBG Fund 10-5-10 Hi Linda, I have received the notice and we are good to §o for the 9/23 issue. Thanks and have a great Tuesday! Candice From: Cooper, Linda [] Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2010 8'.53 AM To-' Suffolk Times Legals Subject: CDBG Fund 10-5-10 Good morning, Attached hereto is a Public Hearing Legal Notice for the 9/23 edition of the Suffolk Times. Please confirm receipt. Thank you. Icoop 9/14/2010 LEGAL NOTICE Citizen's Ideas Wanted On Community Development Program Announcement of Public Hearing In April, 2011 the Town of Southold expects to receive approximately $130,000.00 in Federal Community Development Block Grant Funds. These funds may be used, and have been previously used for a variety of projects to be selected by local officials. Eligible activities include: Acquisition and demolition of blighted property Housing rehabilitation Elimination of physical barriers for the handicapped Public facilities and improvements Street Reconstruction Code Enforcement Public Water projects Economic Development Public Services (limited to 15%) Town Residents are invited to attend this public hearing on Tuesday~ October 5~ 2010, 7:32 P. M. at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, to express citizen views on local housing community development needs to be met with these funds. Dated: September 7, 2010 BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Elizabeth Neville Town Clerk PLEASE PUBLISH ON September 23, 2010, AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO ELIZABETH NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971. Copies to the following: The Suffolk Times Phillip Beltz Town Board Members Town Attorney Comptroller Town Clerk's Bulletin Board STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, New York being duly sworn, says that on the /(4' _ day of ~ ,2010, she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Board, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York. Re: CDBG 2011 Sworn before me this dj dayof~,2010. LINDA ,I COOPER NOTARY PUBLIC, State o[ New Yc, r NO. 01CO4822563, Suffolk Coun½Y~ Term Expires December 31,20 - ~_f- Eliza~oeth A. Ne---'~ille - Southold Town Clerk RESOLUTION 2010-698 ADOPTED DOC ID: 6164 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2010-698 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON SEPTEMBER 7, 2010: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby sets 7:32 PM~ Tuesday~ October 5~ 2010~ Southold Town Hail~ 53095 Main Road~ Southold~ New York 11971~ as the time and place for a Public Hearing to hear citizens views on local housing and community development needs to be met with approximately $130,000 in Community Development Block Grant funds the Town of Southold expects to receive in April 2011 and authorizes the Town Clerk to publish an "Announcement of Public Hearing Notice". Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED AS AMENDED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Vincent Orlando, Councilman SECONDER: Albert Kmpski Jr., Councilman AYES: Ruland, Orlando, Talbot, Krupski Jr., Evans, Russell