HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/02/1946MINUTF~ OF NEETING O~ COML~ISSIONERS OF The treaau~e~ acted as chatx~m of th.e~.m~eting ~ the e~ie-c~Ion 5f e-chai~-?~ o~ ~he board £or ~ae ~a~ ~8. Ott, L. ~ was nom~meted, secol~led,and on motl~ made,secon~led and .e~lecl~ vototand ~ook oYer the moetlllg 86 chalr~azle ._ ~l motion was, made_,seconded and caxeried tha~ Donald ~R. ~ilde~sleeve be appointed sec~etax-y fo~ the yea~ 1946 at a'~al~ of ~ ~a~s ~nd fo~ 'his ~ of office was.~app~oved ~ S~t~ld To~ 'Clerk. ~ Notion made.eeeonded and L-tied that the i[attitnok Nation&l_ _Ba_nk & Trust~ be of the Fire District, of the Yl~e Db4i~ioi by the ~tate of N.Y. department of Audit and Ce~ ~a~ read. (Repert £e~ the ~ea~ ...... ~_? treaa~trer'e armuaX £_inanolal ~eport for the _yea~ 19~$ v?o. eubeal~tod.and on ~otton madeoleoo~ed and Tot~ ~n~ $4~.~; B~ at elo~ of' ye~ 1945 $~.~. ~i~b~ ~ ~ Of~ $~$~.X6 i8 In a ~e ·otion vas ma~e,aeee~de~ and l~rieA that ~3000.00 The trea~LTer p~odueed all boo~uo~eeo~dsereoeipt$, J~s.vouoM~ '~na omeellod eheoka l~ ~l~rt of the finanolal )r~,and same were aokneYl~ by the boal~ of oomaimo~onoro. On motion,made,oeoon~e~l and ea~ie~,m~etin~ was onrned~ D.R.~XA~ovo,Seo~ _