HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946AC ~0 STATE OF NEW YORK ANNUAL REPORT OF THI: FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER TOWN' OR TOWNS OF__.:Z_Z:~ZiYZ_ ..................................... S~FOLK COUNTY OF .............................................................. FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING .......... ~g.._:~l.~L 9~6 ........................... This Report ~"-t ~e filed ~n ~r Before March first. The Fiscal Year ia frc~ January first to Decen~er Thirty-first. ~eneral l~unicipal Law - Section 30. To~n Law - Section 1~. DIVISI(~ of I~NIOIPA~ A~FAI~ ....... O0~m~'~OT.T~R ' S ~'~C~ RECEIPTS T * ~l~ own6f .......... __'___ PRO?ERTY [Town of ~,Town of .............. EARNINGS: Services Outside District ....................... Rentals- . ...................................... Interest .. '. ................................... Other ....... . .~. ........................... TOTAL EARNINGS .................... Temporary Loans ............................... Bonds ......................................... Sales of Material and Equipment .................. Contributions ................................... Refunds (Insurance, etc.) ......................... OTHER RECI~il'TS (Give details) .................... 1.80/~ Fire Tax TOTAL.., ......... Total Receipts .................................. Balance at beginning of Fiscal Year (19 Check Fund or Account Iq$~rest Fund or Account w~q~ve, Fund or AccoUnt Total Total Receipts arid Balance ....................... 7500.55 182.14 1808.04 2046.44 2067.16~ 7500.55 83.35 $ 30.00 182.14 5921.64 $13717.68 *When district is located in more than one 2own, the property taxes received from each town should be shown. DISBURSEMENTS Salaries and Wages .............................. APPAm~TUS: Purchase ...... ~ .................... Rental ............................ Maintenance andRepairs ............. EQUIPMENT: Purchase .......................... Rental ............................ Maintenance and Repairs ............. BUILDINGS: Rental ......................... :... Maintenance and Repairs. Hydrant Rental ................................. Insurance ..... : ................................ REDEMPTION OF DEBT i Terh'porary Loans: Bonds: Principal ............... Interest .................. Principal Inter~st ................. TOTAL REDEMPTION OF DEBT: ........ 908.07 38.42 709.54 225.00 OtherPayments(Givedetails): 1.80% Fire ts2c Firemen's welfare Miscellaneous Telephone 82.43 ....... ~80v~7 .... TOTAL ............................. · Total Payments ' ' Balance at Close of ~Iscal Year (19 4~ Che cl~ .....-. - m-. ~un~ or accruing; InSe.~es .~d or Account ~ _W~.q~r,.y.~ 'FUnd or Account Total Balance Total Payments and Balance ...................... 523.33 1076.96 510. O0 1548.47 789.54 $1225.00 7180.98 $13717.68 GENERAL INFORMATION Is the District governed by. the Town Board or a separate Board of Fire District Corn- Board of five commissioners missioners? ................................................................... Otto L.Anvig Nattituck, N.Y. Ohairman of the Board P.O.A~dreas OUTSTAlfDINO ~ Original Issue ................. : .......... - ..... $ Date Aug. 1,1931 Interest Rate-~--!/-2-~[°~- Total Payments Thereon ......................... Balance Outstanding at Close of ¥~ar ............. T~.MPom¥ LOANS ,Balance Unpaid ............... TOTAL OUTBTANDINO at CL0~ of TEAR 20000 .DO 18000.00 $_4QOO~QO_ $ 40o,0.90 ASSESSED VALUATION OF FIRE DISTRICT (Subject to Fire Dietr~ct tax levy for reporting year) Town of ...... _S_0_,U_ _T_H_0_ _L_D_................... $ I.m{~OI~i~__~.~[ ..~ 0 Town of ................................ ~..- Town of .................................... Town of ................. J .................. TOTAL A, SSESSED VALUATION ...... : .... 4509897.00 ,Si CERTIFICAT~ OF FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER I, .__D_°...n.~a_~....d.....-R...-....G..i-.1-d-~....r.-s-1--~ OVO ....................... do hereby certify that I am the Treasurer of ............................ I[iat t ituck ...... Fire District located in the Town or Towns of ................. : ........................................................ _ ............. _.s_.o_u._t_h.o.l.d ..... County of.i ............. .S~._~.J~..O.],,k__.: .... and'that the foregoing stat.cment of the receipts and payments of such Fire District for ihe f~eal year ending ............. _.D._eC_.~_5._t~_~.~g~6_. ................... 194___ is true to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. Dated J.an.~ 3,1947 ,194~