HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/15/1955" Z.~ ltI~8 0g MEETING 0F 00MM.LS310~RS OF . ~ MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK. LONG ISLAND. N. Y. July 15,1955. Present 0o-,-,~ ssioners Anrlg,Reeve,Tuthill,Prlce, end Penny, and Treas. Gildersleeve. chai~me= ~ 8 .M. Meeting held ~:.t the fir~houee,cklled to orderby the Minutes of the last meeting wer~ read and s proved, The following bills were ordered paidl Tide Water Assoc~0il CO. $25,8~ ~.¥.Telephone 0o. 6,65 & 2,40~ L & L Food~kt. 2.85~ Fred .a~ler 5.00~ L.I.LightingCo. 16.7~ The $eagrsve 0orp. 155.00~ L.I.R;R.Co, ~6,35t M.H~nsen 157,95, On motion mede, seconded and c~rried~it was resolved that the following budget for the year 1955 be adopted, and theft the proposition to raise the total amount by tsx be submitted to the taxpsyers of the District at a ~peci~l Meeting on August S~:.lsriee & Wages Purchase of Apparatus or Equipment Maintenance & Repair of Apparstus & E~ipment Maintensnce & Repair,Buildings Heating Pl~t Cs~pital ~eserve Fund for Firehouse Fire ~el~s Insurance Firemen~s Welfare Miscellaneous T~e b~,dget: 1500,00 4700,00 2500,00 1000o00 3200,00 4000,00 2400,00 2000.00 300.00 300,00 .... $ 9oo.oo Less Estimate~ aeceipt_a ...... _50,$_0 Total A~o~nt to be raised $21,8~0.00 ~otion was made,seconded and carried that the election notice be published in the ~raveler- ~'atchman of ~.ug.A,1955, and that 200 ballots be printed by the same paper. The co~ds~ionex, s ~ppointed Sidney H.Gi!dersleeve,~eorge H.Nine,and Walter Courts to serve as inspectors of election on the ~bove date, and ~.~ resolution ~as adopted th~.t they b(. p~:.id ~$.00 each for their ser~l ce S · · Ti~ meeti~.g was adJou['~od, on m~ion m~.de~seconded and carried. - ~ D.R.Gilders/eeve,~ee.