HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/29/1946~ne 29,19. A~. Present Comi.ssioners An.rig,6i-lde~e.?e.Penr~,Ohs~.Reeve ~.~d ~w~oa ~eev® ~nd ?r~as.~ildar~leeve,Also Arty.William Uickharae ~!~ettng called to ~rder by the ohairmsm at B.30 ~ut~ of the last meeting were read and ;fetich wns ~ad~,m~eond~d ..~d carried t?bat we Joi~ the ~uf£o~k County Fl~e ~lssioners A~no and 80z'~2 cheek for du~s ?~otion mmde,~x c~ond~d and ~rried t~hmt 200 feet 2 1/2 inch tournament Jeax~a~e~x hose be pttrchased. · ~tlCn maple seooaded and e~rried tt~at the £ollo'#lng bills ~-~d; N,U-?~lephorn3 ~o,~4,7~; N~witt l~er Co, of Buffalo $2~&,68; stoxl .00; CarX e niexe 0.o0 ~ot~on m:~e, sec~nded and carrie~ that the bu~et for 1-047 be $8000.00,.~d that details ~d s~t th~at~ for t~ eleot~on to vote ~ame. ~otioa wa~ made, seconded and arrl~d t?~t the chairman e~gage a mechanic t~ clte~k all fire apparatus ones each ~eeA. On mOtion,ma~e,seoon~ed an~ arrl~,m~ting ~',as a~Journodo