HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/01/1946~ MINUTES OF ~D~]ETING OF C0[~!ISSIONERS OF L~TTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT ~ay~1,1946. Px~sent Commissi~aers A~-g~ildersteeve, Re,ye ~nd Elwood Reeve,and '~eas.O~ldersloeve. Per~uy~Chas,. . L~eting called to order oy the chairman' at ~:~'inutes of the last emeeting were x-cad aha approved. Llotion made,seconded and ca~ied that the nomi~mtions made at the ~ election of the' Mattituck Fi~e Compaz~ approved and appointments made in acoox~dance thereof as follows: ~hief Enginee~.He~ Tyle~$ Firs.t: Assr. Chief Engineer. James F.Gildersle®ve S Second Asst. Chief Y,~ginee~,Albe~t ~a~e~. The following bills were ordered paid:L.I.L~ghting Co. ~10,~1~ W.V.Dur~ee 10.~1; R.01iver b~eston 2.82; .~Hansen i?e~0; N.Y. Tele~hone Co, ~.?§ ~c 1.80; George NalVe~e & ~o. Chief Tyle~ appea~ed before the boa~d and ~'alke~y~M NiColas ~udi~'s. ~otion was ~de,sec'~n~d ~d c~ied a ~~t ~ ~ght and inst~led at ~ ~st ~d ~ that we investigate the advisability ef installi~ one~ at Nfekolas Chudi~'s. ~ latter was c~idered for p~tecti~ of the Sho~e ~Acres section of L~atti~ck. A letter of thanks was received from Jos. Savageesec~etar~ -of the Mattituck Flr~ ~o. fo~ the eheeks~ fe~ t~ t~ T~ ~d Eo~ Fi~e~n~s' ~e~f~. ~e ~tte~ of l~vi~ the old fi~house moved to ~e of ~ ~w fi~u~ ~ ~~,wi~ ~e ~ion ~' Mati~mmada,seeondod and ca~ied that pri~eS bi obtained on firehose,and also new fi~e appa~atus. Motion made,seconded and-a~ied that meeting be ad Jeu~ned. ~