HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/27/1946HII-~UTES OF ~IF~£ING OF COI,ILiISSIOHERS OF I,STTTITUCB~ FIME DISTRICT Ma~2?, 1946. Pre sent CommI ssior~rs Anrig, AGildex'sleeve, Penny, C"nas. Reeve and Elwood Roeve~a~d ~eas.G ldorsleeve; also ~ef ~le~ and Asst.~ef Gildo~sleeve. L~eetlng held ~t the fi~house~called to o~deP by t~ c~i~n at 8.30 P.~,~. ~iinutos of the last meeti~ we~ ~ead ~d approved. ~e following~bills were o~de~ed paid:iI.Y.Telephone Co. 11.70, ~.~sen 6.!0, L.I.~ Li~ting Co. 15.9B; ~tone Slage Zl.O8; Riced O~ted 3.~0. L~.Louis Si~2 was called in at this t~,sub~tting s~pleS of f~e hose ~d prices of fire app~atus. ~tion ~de, s~onded and c~ried that the fol!ow~ ~chases be.~de: 200 feet ~linT ~~nt~ HOse per foot. ~00 feet Howitt ~bber Co~ $~i-Roll" 2 1/2 i hose,~.vith b~ass ~ocke~ lug couPli~s ~ ~1~16 per foot. D~oti~n ~de,seconded a~d c~ied t~-t~ '~.S~I prices· quoted on Ap~iI 26,194~rchase bei~ ~bJe~ a~ov~ef ~e ~ayers of the Fi~ D~st~ict. ~!otion made, seconded ~d c ~ied that me~ti~ adJou~ed.