HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/25/1946I~UTES OF Mti~TING 0C CO LiISSIONERS OF
Jane25'1946'present;Commiss oners ~ig, Gildersl eve,Chas.Reeve,
Penny and Elwo°d R~eve and Treas.GildersleeVe·
Neeting called to order by the chairman at 8 P.M.
Ninutes 6f last meeting W ere read and approved;
~xe following bills were ordered paid:W.S.Da~ley & Co
~OA;Assn. Fire D~sts,State N.Y. §.00; ~c Cabes Central Store
3,95; ~Han~en~I~08~ L.I,Travele~-~att ~atchmantS-4~; L.O.
IGildersleeEe 30.48; ~.V.Duryee 1.54; Railway Ex Agcy 1.OS;
iMabel H. D ryee 4~.68; Le Roy S.Reeve 2?6.?O and 191.60;
L.I.Li~ti~g Co' '11'14; N.Y~Telephone Co. 4.?8; Nattituck-Natl
Bank& T~ust Co 4.80; Et~a R,Tu~hitt 16~OB.
' Inresponse to a ~e.uest~ for a guard rail on the
east retaining wall on the firehouse ramp, it was moved, seconded
and ca~ried.~hat ~r.Anmig ~ act as a com~_Lttee of one to
have said w~ rail put up. ~
THe chaix-man reported that the Painting of the
commissioners room had been completed,and that the stairs to
the basement ahd been boxed in.
On ~n0tion'made,seconded and carried, the meeting
was ad Journed.~ .
" D, R.Gi e,gec.: