HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/18/1947MATTITUC~ FIRE DISTRICT. Apr£1 18,1947. Present Commissioners Anrig,Gilderaleeve,Penny. Chas. eeve and Elwood Reeve,and Treas.Glldersleeve. ~eting held at the firehouse,c,mlled to order by the chairman at 8.15 P~M. · ~fi. nutes of the last meeting ~re read ~d approved. ~i0n_ ~e,seeonded and ~ried.that the ~250,o~ ~o~ed in ~e ~ budge~ for 1~47 for Fi remen's.~elfa~ be to t~ ~attStuek~:lre Cemp~y. The ~ollowing bills were ordered paid: $7.25; Hewitt Robins lne.$600.00,1~e ~ discount; L.I.Lighting 0o. $12.48 ~ .$~.0~; Leo ~.Baldwin $2.40; ~attituok Fire C0mp~y fox Flamen s Wel~a~ $250.00 The foll~i~ men,a~roved f~r m~berehip~ the ~a' l~ Fi~ Oom~y's membership co~ittee,were, approv~ by the bga: d o f ~ommissigners,on motion -made,~oond~ ~d o~ried: ~old ~~d F.~l,~d ~d Moisa. T~ approv~ was subject to their application bl~s ~i~ ~o~rly fille~,~d furt~r,taat the appl!o~ts be .~equired to attend t~ fi~ ~hool sessions resut~ty durirg the ~ of their probation. ~.~otion made,seco~ed ~d o~ri~, tha~ fo[lowi~ the appx~v~ of the above applio~tS,the ~z ~ep~m~t s membership be clos~ for a~riod of one ~otion made,seconded ~d o~ried that the nomi~tio~ made at the 1947 ~nu~eleotion of the Mati~ Fire Com~y be approved. ~d appo~ntm~ts made as follows:0hief ~gineer,Hen~ TyI~r;First.As'st~ief ~gineer,F,Speneer Butte~orth;~oo~ ~~,Arth~O0mi--ey. The vo~ was 4 in favor ~d'one ,~ ~ . 'oti0n made,seconded ~d o~ried t~at th~ secreta~ ase~t~i~from the Chief ~gineer-if ps,lesion had ever been ~rsn~ea.~.~e.Fi~ ~o~p~y ~axe~xz by the To~ I[ighw~ Department ~-~_ ereo~ ~a ~n~n the overh~ tourn~nt praeti~ stud M~y's Ro~. ~ther reg~di~ this overhe~ stand the oh~rm~ · liability in o~e of ~y accidents or ~ishaps t~at might occur at ..... Motion made,seconded ~dO~ri~t~t J~.A.Gildersleeve be appointed a oo~ittee to see about new dihes for the firehouse. adjournS;' · '~ ~'8'~-~at meeti~ be