HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947AC960 STATE OF NEW YORK ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER IN THE TOWN OR TOWNS OF ..... ~ ...................... COUNTY OF .............. ~ ........................... FOR THE . : ~ie Report ~t ~e file~ ca o~ Before ~aroh firet. · he Fiscal Year ia fr~ J~uez~ first to December ~hirty-firet. To~n Law o Se%tion 1~1. '~ · COHP~A~T.T~' S (~FICE RECEIPTS REVENUE .RECEIPTS: TOwn of ~- *Property Taxes Town o£ Total Ta~es .................. Other Revenue: 'From S~iCes Outside District .... Rentals - Interest.'.. ....................... Sales-of Material & Equipment ..... .. · l//,.ilo Y3, oo Contributions ...................... Refunds (Insurance, etc.) ........... Ali. Other../.' ..... ~/-~;;.~ ...... Revenuelllllllllll .......... Total Revenue Receipts .................. NON-REVENUE RECEIPTS: Temporary Loans ..... · .......... ...... Bonds .......... ~ ..................... Total Non-R~venue Receipts .............. T~tal Receipts ..................... ..... Balance at~b-eginu'~-g of Ye~r (19~'.~· _. (.~.~-~..~-,~ Pnnd or AccountU~Y;J-_~ .. ~ Fund or 'Account JJ/'O £v~-~z~?~-e_ Fund or Account~~ To~tal Balance ................. ~ .......... Total Receipts and Balance .... ~ ....... .. · ~en district is &ocated in more tha$ one town, taxes received from each tovm shoutd~be shown. the property D'i~"B U R'S'E M E N T S GOVERNMENTAL COST ~AYMENTS: Salaries and Wages ................... Rental of Apparatus .................. Maintenance & Repair of Apparatus... Rental of Equipment .................. · · Maintenance & Repair of Equipment .... Rent of Buildings .................... Maintenance & Repair of Building ..... Hydrant rent~i ....................... Insurance ..... Interest..i~.. ijii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill Other · · "5;[;i'a;¢;;~;nt st Payments... NON-GOVF_~IMENTAL COST PAYMENTS: Capital Outlays(Purchase of Aoparatus. '~~Eq~icment) TemPorary Loans ...................... '. ~fBonds ~ a ~+~~e~em~on .~ .............. Total Non-Governmental Payments ..... - Payments. Total .~ ............ Balance Year  Fund or Account ' Fund or Account Total Balance Total Payments and BalanCe... Is the District governed by the To~n~ B~ard or a sep~j!e.. Board/)f Fit'e District com- oo, o, oo OriginalJ_,Jssue ................. ; .........( .....$.-~--- , Total Pay~ent~ There°n ....................... '.. / 20'O--OZ 0 0 · Balance Oumanding at Close of T~.M~'om¥ Loa~s---Balan~ Unpaid: .............. $, ASSESSED VALUATION' OF FIRE DISTRICW (Su,.bjeot (~o. Fire: Dp~ri,,_~ tax levy for rep.ox~ttns~) Tmon oJ .................................... · 2' ' P.Ookcldr~ss Town of .................................... Town of -., ....... TOTAl, ASSKSSEI) VALUATION ......... . .' (~ERTIFICATE OF FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER l~ * //-' "~ /-"~' ~' ~'' ~ , do hereby certify that I am the '~' Print Name Trealurer of ..... __,f~_.__~..._~_._~'__/ ~r/~2 (z '/q__ .... Fire>District located in the Town or Towns of Count): Of . {~ d'that the for_e~,going sta ment of the receipts and payments of such ndi ......... : ............................. , is tru~ to the ~at of my ~owledge, information and bellef~-,. P.O.Ad~"