HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/05/1948MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT
MI~I~'~$ OF ~-IEETI~ OF CO,'.~SSIO~,~ OF
Nov,lt~,1948. P~esent Oommissioners Ar~ig, Gilde~aleeve, Penny,
and Elwood Reeve,and Treas.Gildex-s[eeve.
held a~ tlao firehouse,called to o~de~ by the
P. ~.
~nutes of tho last meeting were ~ead and approved.
T~e following bllls were o~dered paid: A.Ita~ke~ 01.81
Chas.E.Miska S.O0; Rudolph Armbrust 102.57; L.I.Trgm~PO~t Co.
1.60; ~s. Jesse Lope~ 55.00; M.~en 18.03; L.I.LSghtlng, Co.
18.43 and ~ 23.44; Le Roy $.Reeve 34.?S; Loui~ SlmmeA
16.7~; ~;.Y, Telephone C~. ~.80 and ~.85; Genesee Fgt.L~nes ~.05;
W.;.Du~ee 14.68; Tuthill Supply Co.
i!otion ~deasecosded andCaA-~ried that the sec~etal~
p~epa~e election notices a_nd ballots £or annual 21_~e district
election on Dec.7.
~otlon made, seconded slid c al~21ed ~h~t the ch~i~
as a committee of one to have tables in the firehouse ~e-con-
dltioned. ,
M.o, tion made,seconded and c a_~ied that the seo~etar,y
w~Ite ~.Louls Simmel asking for action on the Hewitt
Rubbe~ Div. ft~e hose,couplings of which hind wrong sized
The sec~et~ was Instructed to notify insurance agents
to increase liability insurance b~ckets on fi~e trucks,
as voted at the Sept.2A,19A8 meeting.
~iotion made,seconded and carried that the meeting be
ad Jo~ned. D.R.G~tl,~$1eeve~:/