HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/27/1948MA~ITUC~ FXI~E DISTRICT
Prelent Commieelonere Anri~,Gilder~leeve,Elwood Reeve,
and Treaa.Glldersleeve.
Meeting held at the £irehou~e,oalled to order by the
Ohair~an at 8.30 P.K.
~inutesof the last meetin~ were read and approved.
Lo~i, GlmmeX lO.la; L.l.Lightin& Ce. 16.97 ; M.~an~en 86.60;
Bradnteke Se~viee Sra. ~.16; Loo~ S~oX · 8up~ Co. X~.25; ~.Y.
Tele~ 0o. 1.~ & 4.~4; Trayeler-~ato~~~~4 Pol~mo
5.00; Geo.G.~ill ~.00; Geo.H.Ht~ 5.00.
h~ ~n
The ~o~t~ ro~rtod that he ~ ~vioed By Lair
~.~~ Wl~h~ that t~ $2400.00 for a Bui~di~ ~~ ~nd
~ ceftin leg~ ~i~menta needed to ~ e~rted ~t,~d t~t ~
, ~Xleved it eould ~ t~en e~ ~f at the ~nu~ election in ~eember.
The~fe~ t~ prop~sition w~ omit~d from the b~lets, ~d ~ re~l~
~dget ef $$600.00 W~ vo~d on at the eleetion. T~ vote ~n this
w~ 33 ~e,~d 6 no,tot~ vote8 ~9.
The following bills were ordered paAd:Firemen'e
State of I~.Y. $8.005 Le Roy S.t~eve 25.005 Thon.A.?~dison,Ine.
~otion made,~eoen~ed and oarried that the meeting
he adJ ovrned.