HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/30/1948I~I~UT~S OF M~TII~O OF COMNISSIOIi~RS OF
~uly 30,194~. Present Commissioners Anrig,Oildersleeve, Penny, and
Elvoed ~eeve and Treao.Gildersleeve.
Meeting held mt the firehonse,ofllled to order by the
ohairman at 8,15 P.~.~.
~inutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
The followlff~ bills wore ordered paid~ Looal Steel &
Supply 0o.$16.00~ L.l.Lighting Co. $16.683 N.Y.Telephone CO. 3.00
4.85~ Loc Y.~flldwin
m~n~ership in Firemen s AssR. of the State of ~ew Yor2~,providin~
that we did not already hold m~bership.
:~otion made seoonded that the following bx~dget
adopted for tlc,year 1949~ Salaries and wages $~00.00;Retire~ent of
1..Bond $1000.00,In~;ere:st~ on Bond. ed Indebtedness $90.0(~ Maintenanoe
& ~01~air ef Apparatus ' $1~00.00, l~,rchaoe of Equipnen~"
~a[nten_an~e ~ Repair of ~q~ipaent $200,00~ Ma~ntenanoe ~&.~RopoAr of
I tld,ing' 1000?901 InSj ee $1500.00'F, lromen s
~fiseellaneous $~2X0.00~ ~etal $9600.00. Also $2400.00":for a tMlldtng
Reserve ]~lnd. ro~ositi°ns f~r raising money by tax for the above
sums to bo submitted to tho taxpayers of the Fire Distriot at a speolal
®l~eot'ion tc be held on A~gust 24,iOAS, the seoretary to 0safer with
Lawyer William WickA~n in regard to publishing n~tioes ~and
d~te if neoessary.,
Clifford l~olhemus,Leo ~.Baldvin, and George G.T~thlll
were appointed to set aa~. insPeetors for the above eleotton.
Motion made,seconded and ca, tied that the ohairmen
be authorised to purohaoe mo many feet of booster hose as might bo
considered nose SSoA~.
The ohairmanaaked that the advisibility of inoreaoing
liability insuranee sn the fire trances be considered . It was o~ggested
that he interview insueknce agents to find the approximate expense of
s, oh inoreaee and report at a f,,t~re meeting.
The seoretary was asked to ohee~ kind ,~.nd mount of
insuranoe oarried on the hose tmJ~k.
be adJ Burned.
~,~otion made,seeonded and carried that the meeting
D. R. Gild er ~le~J~, ~Soo ·