HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/30/1948MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK, N. Y. NI[TUTES 0F CO~.~ISSIOI~RS OF MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT. Jan.30,1948. ~ioettng held at the homo of T~*eas,G~ldersleeve,called to order at 8.15 P.M. Px-ese~t: Commissioners An~-ig, Gildersleeve,Pe~ and Elwood Reeve,and T~eas,C-!dersleeve. M~nutes of Jan 2nd and Jan. Slst meetings ~e~e ~ead and approved. ~e £ollowingbills we~ o~dered paid: Suff.Co.Fl~e Dist. O~flce~s Assn. ~5.00; Rudol~ O.Armbrust 15~.50; F.B.I~sslinger Geo.Malvese & Co, 9.?5; iiewitt Rubbe~ Div..:~l,75; L[abel !i. Du~yee,107.7~; ~.I,L, ghting Co. 13.11S N,Y.Tolephone Co, 4.90 ~ash ~or 4 Boys 1,20;.,Matt,Natl Ba~ & Trust Co. 4,00; Louis Simmel 64,00; Elma R Tuthill.16.05; Wa~,d La France T~uck Co~p, 9.16 & 46.9A; Estate of R,Raymond Reeve 110.00; ~%~thill Sapply Co (fo~ coal) amt, of bill when tee'd; William W~c~a, Amt. of Bill when rec'd. The treasurer reported that the transaction fo~ the lot bought from ~J.A.KelSOy had boon co~pleted,and the deed ~eceived, Comm. Gildersleeve brou~t a list of new dis~s and tableware requested~£o~ use at the firehouse. I'~ was decided that he and Nr-Ar_~Ig ~would ch~ck the equipment now en hand in vie~ of arriving at the prepe~ quant~ty needed,before ordering. Motion ~ade,seconded andcarried that the district take a ~orkmen's Compensation for the Firemen as required by law e£fective ~arch lst; and to take an additional insurance policy to give the firemen further accident benefits. ~otion m-de,secOnded and carried that the commissioners investigate the matter of installing c direct fire alarm system with the ~.Y.Telephone Comp~y~ adjourned, L~otion made,seconded and carried that the meeting be