HomeMy WebLinkAbout1948STATE OF NEW YORK ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER IN TBE TOWN OR. TOWNS OF COUNTY OF. FOR T~E FISCAL YEAR F2~DING This Report mast be filed on or before March first. The Fiscal Year is from January first to December th[rty-first. General Municipal Law - Section 30-31 Town Law - Section 181 DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS COMPTROLLER' S OFFICE 19 RECEIPTS: RECEIPTS To~n ot~_ $ //o~ o. 3J~ *Property Taxes To~n of To~n of To~n of Total Taxes ....................................... $//0 0 ~' 0 .t~er Revenue: Rentals ............................. In%erect ............................ Sale of Material & EquiPment ........ Contributions ....................... Refunds (Insurance, etc.) ........... Total Revenue Receipts ......................... //,:~ t~, /L Temporary Loans ....................... $ ~' Bonds ................................. Total Non-Revenue Receipts ........................ TOTAL RECEIPTS ................................. ~A,.A~CE AT BEGISMIMG OF YEAR (19~/g.' ..... $ ~~ or Account .... X ~t~',/0 ~d or ~ .... 7g' ? ?.. TOTAL 1tlI~¢~ .................................. .' * ~ ~trict Is lo~ in ~re ~ one ~, the pm~rty ~xes ~ceived fr~ ~ch to~ child ~ ~o~. DISBURSEMENTS Gb~4TAL' COST PAYMENTS:' " ' Salaries and Wages .................... $ ~ Rental of Apparatus ................... Maintenance & Repair of ApparatUs ..... // ~ Rental of Equipment ................... Maintenance & Repair of Equipment ..... ~ Rent of Buildings ..................... Maintenance & Repair of Buildings ..... //~ ~- ~ '3 Hydrant Rental ........................ .............. Total current Expenses .................. , ......... $ Interest ' ' Total Governmental Cost Payments ............... ",NON-GOVEP4iMENTkL COST PAYMENTS: Capital Outlays~(Purchase of Apparatus or Equil~ent) ........ $ /°T& ~ Temporary Loans ....................... ~e~t~on or ~o~s .......... //3 ~; O 0 Total. ~lon-Governmental' Cost Payments ............ TOTAL PAI94~TS .......... . ............... .. Fund or Account ........ GENERAL iNFORMAT ION Is the District governed by. the Town Board or a,~s~parate Board of Fire District C_~m.t ssione~rs? ~ ~ ~ ~ ' · (Jhal~ 'of the B0;~ .... ~/ P.-~ Address v TAX RATE AND ASSESSED VALUATION OF FIRE DISTRICT (Subject to Fire District tax levy for reporting year) Tax Rate Assessed Valuation To, tm of ~Own of Town of ~RTIFICATIe OF lIRE I~ISTRICT TI~ASURER , ~ty t~t the fore,lng s~teme~t of tbs receipts ~ ~s of ,-~ Fir. restrict for the fis~l y~r ~din, ~ O~ ' ~% / , 1~ ~, %r~e to.th_est of By knowledge, infor~m, tion and Belief. _