HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/25/1949' '~ '~" MATTITUCK ZFIR£'' DISTRICT MATTITUCK, N. Y. }.YIIEP2ES OF COi=~{iSSIO~.i:RS OF ~.~T~! ~UCk r I~P. ~7STRICT. Nov.25,1949 P~esent: Commissioners Ar~ig~Gildersleeve,~Penny, and Elwood Roeve~ T~easu~er Gildersleeve,and Chief Engineen henry Tyler. :.!eetlng hold at the fi~ehouse,oalled to order by the chairm~u at 8.30 LiSn~tes of the last z~eoting were read and approved. The followir~ bills were o~dered paid: Richaz~ds .& Price ~??.~; L~.Hansen 10.~07 W.V.r~ryee 2.87;. C.P.T thill ?.~0; Mabel n. Duryee 4~.75; L.±.~[gj~ti~-$o. 19.?0; ~.Y.reEophone Co,. 5,1~ & 1.62; Wm, C,hudiak 100,00; August ArmD~ust ~0~00. Chief Tyler asked the Boa~d to reopen the membership of the Fire Co~pany. He was requested to fu~nis!~, ir~ormation as to the nL~.ber of active members in the department rJhen at full strength, and at the present titus. ~otion was made, seconded and~nried that the Chief's.request be laid on the table for considerationl ~.~otiOn ~aS*madeweeconded and ca,tied that new style flashlights be purchased for ~ use of each ~ber o~~ the fire patrol. The chairmuan'~ appointed George H.N~ne to serve as ele~'~tion inspecto~ on Doc.8 in place of Clifford ~olhem~s,who would be unable to bo present. The following resolution was adopted: "That the ~nspecto~s of election in the forthcoming election on Dec.$th be paid five dollars each for thei~ services". ~otion made, seconded and ca~ri~d that 500 feet of 1/2 inch fire hose bo purchased. ~otion was made,seconded and aa~ried that resolutions be d~awn, exp~ssim~ so,row and reg~e~ for the Pass~tn~_ of Co~m~ssionex~ ~arles Heeve wLo died on Hov.2~,after ten yea~s o~ valued service as Fi~e Chief,and several years as Fire Commissioner., aaid resolutions to be spread on tho minute~,and a copy sent to his family. Hotion was :nade, seconded and ca,Pied tl~t the next meeting be }~ld On Dee.22,at which ti~e a successor to the deceased commissioner bo appointed. ~:otion ~as made,seconded and aa~ried that the meeting be ad Jou~ne d. D.R. G~I de~leeve, See ,,