HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/30/1949MATTITUCK ~ FiR~ D'ISTRICT MATTITUCK, N. Y. 'MII'[UTES 0.~' ~'~TING OF CO~.:~I~$iO~$ OF ..[A~ ?ITUC~ FIPJE DISTRIGT. 5FPt. ~0,1949. Present Commissioners Ar~ig, Oildersleeve, Penr~ and El~ood Heeve,and Treas. Gildersleeve. Meeting held at the firehouse at 8 P.I:1.,called to orde~ by the chalrman~ ;~nutes of t~:e last moeting~v ere~ad and approvede _ ~ '~he follov~lng bills were ordered paid: H.Y.'~lephone ~o. ~.~l.~ & 5~23, Traveler-Uatchman 2.10, D.R.G.lde~sleeve .~ ~ . .2~, ~t~ll ~pp~y Co. ~.00 R ~a & ~i$$1 ' oreq[ts~ J~.V.~eee 5.60. The treasurgr sub:~tted ti~.e report of examination of his accoUnts by .the i:.Y.State Dept. of Audit ~: Control fo~ tJ~e '~eriod Jar~l~lgA? ~ to .Dec.31,19~8. A-letter from the N.Y.F, re Insurance Eating Organization ~rritten unde~ date of Sept.~O,t9~ to ~r. Le Roy S.Reeve, locai insurance agent,~as diScu~sed, Tho letter ms,ex contained a list .of. several 'de _rm~_nds upon the fire co~.missioners in regard to the opera~ion of-the fire siren. Is. ;~as moved ,seconded and carried that the secretary 7rite to tho-Organization stating that the con~niselOners require ~ritten assurance that no furthor demands ~oul~ 'be made if these in the letter ~vere complied uith. L!otion made, seconded andcarrled, that the meeting be adjourned. D. R. Gilde~sleeve, Sec ·