HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/26/1949MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK, '~N. Y. ~Ag~6 ~19~9 ~ OF ~IE~ OF CO~XSS[O~i OF FIRE DISTRI~ P~ese~t Ceaaaiaaleae~ G~aXe®ve,Pe~y and Elwood Reeve and T~eUeG~lde~aleevee Meeting oa!led to o~de~ l~ the .t~easu~e~ at 8 P.M. !~otion ~as made, eeconded and cam-led that M~ePenn~ act as chairman fo~ the meetiage Mi~mtos of the last meetin~ were r~ad ~ app~ovede ~o t~oasure= =epo~ted 6n ~d~. $1ec~ion of ~ Twelve voted, all ~Yes" on the= Pr~positton to x-al~ ~9700.00 £oU ifl~e Fi~e Dls~Xct budG~b fo= 1950. The;~asur~= also ~epo=~ed thmt h~ had secured ~ the Cou~t~ 0le~k an ~aff.idavi~ t~t the ~ Dlst~iet wac ea- ~ablished I~v.lA,l~0a. ~i~vit ~ ~ps ~d o~ ~o~tton ~d ~en ~ven ~o ~ ~y S.R~ve ~ a~ of a~li~lon f~ "~asa" O" ~ ~tt~ fo~ tho ~s~lct* t~ot[on m~de,seconded and c ax~ied ~hat tho ~eeting be