HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/29/1949MATTITUCK' FIRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK, N. Y. NXI~T~ OF ME~TXNg OF O0~XS~. IONERS OF MATTITW0[ FIF~ DISTRICT. 29,19&9,P~®eent Coe~ail.ienerl Gilder~leeve,Penny and EXwe~d Reeve, and Trea~. ~Llderoleevo. Meeting ~dld at the fireh~use at 8.30 P.M.'oalXed to ordel' by the. t~~r. ~otton · ~o A.~Xdersle~o ~t ~ ohai~ dur~ t~ ab~n~ of ~r.AnrSf. Mr. GiXderoXeeve t~:o~ the chair. ~inutee of the last moetiF~ w~re read and approved. The fol~l~ing blXXa w~re ordered, paid:Mo ~.BaXdwin $4.68; Rudolph A--~brult $61.5§; i.~an~en X35.~; H.Y.Telel~ne Co. 5.29, 5. 2~, 5.43, and 1.97; L.I.LAghting Co'.~l.03; Richard E.01mlted 10.00. Motion nade,~eoonded and carried tAat the followir~ budget be adopted for the year lg~0,~nd s~b~itte~ to the taxp~rt of tt~ Dlotr$ot ~n Augult.23,1949: ~alarieo & W~e8 $2200.00~ Po~ment of Bond a~.cl Interelt $1045.00; ,~tltenance & ~opair of Apparat~:il $1500.00; ~.'&t.ntonan_oo & [l~.palr of ]{quipuont~$ 200.00; ' Pureha, e or ~q~tpnent ~1600.00.; Maintenance & ~ep&tr of, DulXdSJ~ $~500.00; Ineuranee $1~00,00, Yire~an'l VeXfare $300;00; ~iooelXanee~l $300.00. Total $9845.00. Loll ~.~al a~ount to be rai~ed by tax $9700.00 ~iotion made,oeconde%and caroried that the e~ectton notieo by published ~n the raveloz Watchman of A~.4,~949. The ohair~an appointed Leo ~.B.~dwin,Cll£ford PoXhe~uo and ~eorge ~.T~thill to act a~ inspectorl of election at'tho laid election. The secretary rel~rted that,regarding the Diltriot'8 q~ali- ication8 for Clael "0" insurance ratify,the T~n Cler~ h,~d been unable t~ locate the certificate M of l~oc~odure leading to the e~tablishment of the District. ~r.Le R~y ~. Reeve,repre~entative of t.~ ~.Y.Wnderwriter8 -ln~ranee Co. had aaked in itl pla~e 'Certification by t~e Secretary of th~ I~ard of Fire C~alle~nero that the Dior:Lot wa~ formed under To~n rule and hal l~en in exlotan~e ever since~. Motion va~ ma~le,oeoonded and carried that the eeoretary be at~zthorl~ed to f~rniah and 8~gn ouch certificate. Motion made,aeoonded and carried that the remaining fire h~drante that had not been repainted,be painted ~ orar~o color, and the fire alarm b~mel,red. Motion made,seconded and ~rried that the~ meeting be D .R. ~ilder sle eve, ~eo.