HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/29/1949Apr! L~II~TES OF L~ETIIIG OF CO~E~,~IBsIoNERs OF L~TTITUCK FIRE DIsTrICT 1 29.1949. ?~esent Commissioners Anrig, Gildersleeve,Penny and E~wood Reeve~ and T~eas.Oilde~sleveve. ~ eeting held at the fi~ehouse~calted to o~de~ by tho chairmmn at 8,30 P.:~!, Einutes o£ the last meeting were read and apf:~oved~ ~otion was ~ade,seconded and carried that the 0300.00 for i~i~emen's ~elfaro,voted in the budget at the special meeting held ~n Aug. Sd,lOdG~bo paid to ~%e L~ttituck FLro Co. ~.~ follouing bills ~1~ o ~0 ordoPod paid: (~O.S5; Loui~ S~,-~ol 12C.3~~ ~nd ~0.00; l~.Y.Tclophon~ Co. 4.75 ~d 1.~0; Leo J.D~dwin 3.48; L.I.Moto~ ~a~age Corp, 3.D1; Ckas.Ll!ska 41,00; L~att,FIPo Co, 300.00.. ~7otiOn made, seconded ~l carried tlmt tho £.ollowing appointments be ~do~in accord~ce wi~. n~tlons n~de ~ ~o ~atti~ck ~.'~e Co~ at their ~nt~ election on April 7. ~ief ~ineer, He~ ~Ie~; FirSt A'sst,~Afef '~n~,~ed D.O~ted~.Jr.I.' ~econd Aaat.F.~inee~, l!orb'o~t ~ton. ~lotlon ~de,seconded u~ .~iod ~a~ me:nbors of ~e f~e dep~~ ~vho passed the Fire School o~~tion be ~lowed to we~ on ~%eir ~i~- ~m embl~ aw~ded for qa~ifyi~. :.~otion made,seconded and cs~.od tlmt the meeting ad Jou~ned. D. 7~. G£1dorsleeve ~ Sec,