HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/28/1949MATTITUCK' FIRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK, N. Y. Janet,S. 1949. MI!~S OF ~E.,~TING OF CO:..~!ISSIOID~S OF ~?,~TTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT l~esent: Comnlsslone~s An~lg~ Gtlde~$1eeve,Penn~.Elwood Reeve~ and Treas. Gtlderaleevo. held at the fire house ,called tb oPder by the at 8.15 P.M. ![inUres of the last meeting were read and approved. ~ne following bills were ordered paid: L.J.Baldwtn,~'.~5.47; M.tian~en 11,.8.5; Rudolph ~~st ~..~ N.Y. Tele~ Co. 4.75 and '~.8~; L.I.LX~tt~ Co. 21,98; ~ R.~~ 12.90; I~tt.i;atl ~ ~ T~ust Go. 4.~; ~ ~y S.Reeve 1~.00; $~f.Oo.Fire Dists.Assn. 5.00; ~as.~.{i~a 3./~ ~e ~t~e~ of w~the~ a day e~loyee o~' a night e~lOyee a~ t~ ~2i~u~ ~s ~eded was disc~sed, the subject ~ f~~ c~ide~ed at some fut--/~ting. ~lotion made,seconded andcax~ted that t~de meetir4~ be ad Jourr~d. D. R. G41d~sleeve ,Sec.