HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/28/1950MATTITUCK FIRE BISTRICT. MII~TES OF MEETIN$ OF COMMISSIONERS OF HATTITTTCK FIRE DISTRICT ~resent: Com~issioners Anr~,Gildersleeve,Iieeve, and Tuthill. Meeting called to order by the chairman at 8.15 ~im~tes of the last meeting were read and approved. The followir~ hills were ordered paid: N.Y.Telephone Co. $~.9~ & 6.~; Tidewater~s~oc.Cil ¢o.9.48~ Raymond Zamber 2~.83~ W.V. '._!~ryee 5.0~.~ ~[.Hansen 48.45; Seo~rity Fire Protection Service 34.40~ ~;I.%~bti'~g Co. 22.37~ Le Roy S.Heeve 25.00~ Traveler-'atchmm~, 14.30~ ghaa~.~ergsn 18.00~C1Afford Polhemt, s 5. 00 ~W~lter Co~tts 5.00~eorge H. ~ine 5.00~ide ~ater ssoc.0il Co. bill of A,~.g.25 ,%~en recevied. ~-' -~;The secretary reported that the ~ecial ~eeting held A~t~.2:~ '~ .~, ~rest~ i~ 18 votes oa~ for th~ ~700.00 ~et proposition,with ~e-~ ~ been e~ated to finance p~t oi' the cost of const~ction of ~~ ~' ~ .'~e ~'~, he]:"~by ~eaolved,that the a~-,o~nt..of ~tre Di~tric~ in ~ interest acco-nt. ~t the ~attit~cki{~ation~ ~ & ~st Comply tot~li~ $1758.8~,kno~ am ~[Aeee~e ~nd"; ~so ~he b~anoe of Fire District fnnds on hand mt the close of th~ ye~ 19A~ in th, amount of $4450.73,be.deposited in said ~attitn~ 'ation~ ~ ~ Tm, st In ~. account ms '~attit~ek ~ire District Capit~ ,ese~e '-: [~otion m~de,eeconded ~d c~ied that the inspectors of election se~i~ on A~st 22 be paid $5.00 each for their ~otion made,seconded ~d ~ried that 600 feet of 2 1/2 i~oh fire hgse be ~rehased. TH~ secretly was inst,,steal to order from L~uie Sisal. " Motion made,seconded and carried that 12 flashlights be ~r~hased. ,Votion made, seconded and carried ti'~at tue meeting be adjo~.~.raad.