HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/30/1950, ~ MATTIT~TC~ FIRK9 DISTRICT MI]~]T~ OF 00M]~ISSI0]~ERS OF HATTITUCI~ FIRE DISTRICT ~une 30,1950. Present Co~aissioners Anrig,~lldersleeve,Reeve,and Tuthlll, an~ Tr.~aS. ~il~ersleeve. M~eting wan called to order by the chairman at ~inutee of the last meeting were read a~,d approved. The following bills were o~rdered paid: B~Y.Telephone Co. $3.0§ & 6.18~ S~atterly's ShSpyard ~.94; Wm.L.Barker,jr. 7.50; Tide d; . Water Assoc. Il ~o. when roe Mattituck Fire Co. ~0O 00; ~.Hansen 91.~4; W. Y.Duryee 8.5~. 0ommissicner Reeve offered the following preambles and · esolutions, seconded ~y 0omatissioner Tuthill: Whereas,this Board of Oommisst~.r~ers deems it for the ~oest inter,sis of ~he District to create a Capita~ Reserve Fund pursuant to Section 6-g of the eneral Municipal Law of~e~ Tomsk for the purpose of financing all or part of the cost of the construction of an addition ire the present firehouse on the southwest corner of Pike Street an~Wickham Ave~ hue within the District. The estimated maximum cost of such improvement shall not exceed $~0,000.00 ~$W, THEREFORE , BE IT BJ~SOL%rED: Section 1. That there is hereby created a~capital reserve fund for fire purposes pursuant to Section 6-g of the ~eneral M,~nicipal Law of New York. Section 2. Sale fund is o~eated to finance all or part of the cost of eons~r~otion of a specific capital improvement,to wits An addition to the present firehouse on the plot of land situated at the southwest corner of Pike Street ~nd Wickham Avenue now owned by the Distrio~ and need as a fire house site. Section It is herelr~ determined that the estimated maximum cost of said improvement is $20,000.00 ~eotion A. This resolution is subject to a permissive referendum. 8e orion 5. Within ten da~s after the date of the ~doption of resolut.ion, the Fire District ~eoretary ~hall publish a notice in the Long Island ~'raVeler-Mattit~ok 'atchman, a newspaper having a ~ene~al circulation in the District,on the 6th d~y o~ July,1950, an~ in addition, the Secretary of the Fire District shallcause copies of sHoh notice to ~e poste~ conspic~ uously in five (5) l~blio places in the District n~t later than July 8, 19§0, in substantially tbs following form: NOTICE OF AD0t~I01q OF A ~SOLUTIOI~ BY Tt~] ~OARD OF FIRE 00MMISSIOHERS OF THE HATTITU¢~ FIt~ DISTRiCT,TOWN OF SOUTHOLD,SUFFOLX C0~TY, I~W YORK. NOTICE IS H.~P~BY GIV~ that the Board of Fire Oom~aissioners of the Mattiituck Fire District o£" the Town cf ~outhold,Suffolk County,~ew MATTIT~;aX FIItE DISTRICT Sheet L~IN~,TES OF MEETING OF COMMISSI011ERS OF ~TTiT~CE pIR~ DISTRICT Yerk,at m ~eti~ld un t)~ ~0th day of June 1950,dnly ~opted a remoluZl~n subject to a ~issive ref~rendum,~ abstr~t of which is a~ follo~: A oapit~ re~e fund for f~re ~urp~se. ~r~u~t '~ Section 6~ of the ~ner~ ~nl=~pal Law cf ew York is c~eated t0 fin~ee p~t ef ~ cget of ~onst~eticn of ~ addition to the prelect f~e- houee on District 9~ed pro~rty at the ~outh~t e~rner of ~e' Steer ~d W~h~ Avenue in t~ Dlatr~et umed am a f~re h9~ s~te; ~he est~ated maximin cost of the improvement ~ $20,0~0.00~ Fire District In the To~ of Southol~,Suffol~ Cm~nty,New Y~r~. ~' Date~,June 50,1950. Don~d E.Glldersleeve, ~ ' '. District Sec~t~y. ~,~ ~ ~. V,ti~ In favor of t~ f~regei~ rezolution ~ Ce~issi~e~a ~ AnA'~, Gildersleeve,Reeve, ~d Tuthill. T~ ' resglution~as un~imm~gly It waz ~read that the next mseti~ be ~ld on ~,,ly 21. Motion w~ m~e,seconded ~d c~wried that the ~etl~ be ~j m~rned.