HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/21/1950MATTiTUCK FIRE DISTRICT
Jnly~21,1950/ Present Commissioners Sn~ Penny,Reeve,and Tuthill,
and rea~. Gilds rsle eve.
7.30 P.~. ~feetir~w was called to ~az order bybthe chairman at
~.~inutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
The following bills were ordered paid: i~.¥ ~elep~one Co
$6.02 & 5.41; Louis Simmel 75.00; ~.Hansen 73.40; T~thill Snpply Co.
130.80; Traveler- l~atc.~an 4.95; ~merican ~a Srance Foamite Co.
5~.21 less cylinder credit; Tide water Ass~c.0il Co.,when received.
The followi~ ~,dget was considered for the year 1950:
Salaries and wagem $2200.00; ~aintenanoe & repair of Apparatus 1~00.00
l~.~rchase of Equipment 1600.00; ?[aintenance & ~pair of Eqnipment
200.00; ~l'~.intenance & Repair of Building 1500.00; Insurance 1200.00;
Firemen's Welfare $00.00; ~iscellaneo~s 300.00;Fire Wells 1000.00;
Total $9800.00,Less'Estimated A~evenues 100.00, making total amon~2 to
be raised $9700.00.~ ~otion was made,seconded ~d carried that the
above b~dget be adopted,and s-.bmitted to the taxpayers of t~ Fire
District at a special meetir~ at t~ fireho~se to be held from 7 P.~.
to 10 P.~;.~. on the 22nd day of A~gust,1950. ~
Them secretary was instxmcted to l~blish the notices
in the L.I.Traveler-Watchman of A~g~,st 4, and to P~blish copies of
· ~xm.~ch notiee~ conspic~ously in five p~blic places.
~'~otion made.seconded mJud carried that the three fireho~.~s
washrooms be thorot~hly clenched.
$100.00 eaoh _,sev.c.on d. and_ c. arri~_ed _thj$t the c{m{acks of
...... , ~.~zcnanowzcz, eO.L.-enny ~rd,and Harry
~.~iller,which accompanied their re~.~est that a fire hydr~t ~
placed ne~ their residences,~ ret~,rned to t~ senders,with expl~-
ations that no monies have ~en aopropriated for this ~]rpose for
1950. -'
adJot~r~d. ~otion made,seconded ~d c¢~ried that the ~eti~ be