HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/20/1951MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK, N. Y. ~'7~ATTITUCK FIPuE DISTRICT ~ly 20,1951. Present Co~mzlssioners Anrig, Gildersleeve,Penny,~nd Reeve, and Treas. G~.ldersleeve. t:~eetlng held at the firehouse,called to o~t", by ~ chairman at ?.45 P.~. ~n~tes of the last meoting uere read andappmoved. ~e follo~i~bills were ordered paid:At~ust Rolfes ~11.92; ~.Hansen 3~.30; Surf. Co,Heating ~ Equip. Co. ~8.50; ~$dewate~ Assoc. Oil cc.,bill of ?/2~ when fcc'd: i~alte~s Distg. Co. 3.24 l~otion uas made,seconded andca~ried that the motor stoker be repaired. ~otion was made, seconded and carried that a quantity of fire alarm instruction cards be printed and distributed thro~7~h- out the district. · ~e following bud,s:et for ~:o yeaP 1952 was considered: ~intenan~e & RepaLr of A~paratUs ~1500,00; ~aries & ~200-00; ~urchaso of Equipment ~600.O0;'[~intena_nce 6: RePair of Eq~ipment $200.00; l~aintenance g: Repair of Building insurance Ol~O0.O0;Fire ?Jells ~000.00; Pir~en, s Uelfame OSO0.O0 ; '?Iscellaneous ].~onses ~= ~.~o00.00; Total ~.~I0,800.00, Less Estimated Revenues ~lO0. O0. Total amount to ~o raised 010,700.00. The following resolution ~as adopted; That tim above budget be adopted, and submitted to the taxpayers of ~e Fire Dtst~rict to be voted on at a speclalmeeting at ~m.f. Lrehouse ~ to be held on ~e 21st day of Au~ust~lgSl,fr~ 7 P.H. to O ~e secretary was instructed to publish thc election notices in the L.I.Traveler-V. attituck Watcl~uan of August 3.19~l,and to post copies of such notice conspicuously in five public places. _ ~e chalr;~s_n a~o!ntod Leo J.Da!dvrin, George l]'fno ~d Louis C.G$1dersleeve to ser{~ as insoo~tors of said election. ~oWing resolution was adopted:-T at the inspectors of the above 'election be paid SB.O0 each ~for ~.hoir services. It ¥~s voted to ~ve necossar~y repairs ~ade to the fire- house r~p · ~.~otton :..'~ade, soconded a ndcarried that the u~eting be adjourned.