HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/31/1952" "~ MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT a ~ MATTITUCK. LONG ISLAND. N. Y. ~JTES OF MIISTING OF COD%~iSSIONERS OP ~IT3~'ITUCK PIPJ'] DISTRICT. Dcc.31,195~. P~esent OommzIasione~s Armig. Oilde~$1eeve, smd Penny, and T~as. Gilde~sl eeve. ~[eeting held at the ft~ehouse~called to o~de~ by the chaimnan at 7.30 :.:$nutes of tho last r~.eotlng we~',o Pead an(] ap [,oved. ?n~ follo:/J'ug bills ~Te~o o~o~ed paid: ~thill ;~Loply Co. ~[:~0.O05 ~.M,T~lephone Co. :)g.40$ S~l_-ise Oil Station 10,40; ~.Hansen 9.2<)5 T~av~le~-~;'ateh~an 9.30; Leo J.Baldwin 5.00; ~-co.'~;.?;$ne 5.00~ Wate~ Courts 5.005 Rayne D~st~ibutors 50.O05 L.i.LSghting Co. 20.18; Tide L'ate~ Assoc.0i! Co. 1.96. ~e sec~eta~,y repo~ted on tl~o ~n~Eul election of Dec. 2~195~. ~wood S.~oew~ had been elected a co~m~ss~one~ fo~- a te~n o~ ziw~ ye~s,;~_ne vot~s =e~e cast,all fo~ Co~[ma!ssiono~ ~o~Ee F..Tuth!!l died suddenly on Dec.!9, ~'f52, T~e sec~etamy uss appointed to dmaw up ~osolution~ of ~eg~et at :~;~.Tuthill~$ passing, and submit tho~ fo~ adopt:~on at a £ut~ue meeting. adjourned. ;.~otion was made,seconded andca~ied' that tho meeting, bo D.R.Gildo~sleevo,Seo.