HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/01/1952MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT MINUTES OF ~,fl~ETING OP CO~ffSSIONERS OF M~fiTUCK FIRE DISTRICT. Aug.l~1952o , ~qg.1,1952. Preasat Ccemaleelonez. s An~tg, Gi[de~eleeve,Tuthill,and Reeve and T~eae. Gt~de~eleeve. Neetingheld at the firehouse,called to o~de~ by 'the ~haiz,m~ ~t 8 P.~. ~l~tea o£ the [aet meettP~x~o ~ead and approved. ~? following biiIs were o~de~ed paid! Leo J&.B~ldwin $6.89$Tide Wate~ As~oc.0~l Co. $6,46 & 1.935 New Yo~k ~ele,~hone (~o. 6.65e6.65 & 11.793 L.I.Lighti~lg Co, 16.57 & 14,23;Hewltt R~be~ Dlv.16,45~ M,Hansen 97.75; LoV~s Dohn ~'7.~5; W.7,D~ee 5.74;~ · hOS.~.Edtso~,l~. ~4,$0; Le Roy S.~oeve 2S.00. Mo~ion was made,seconded and c el,~ied that ~he matt®~ of pul, ehasing new ptu~p fey the Ward La F~An~e tm~k be laid on the table/ M~ion made, seconded and eal,~ied ~hat the Janitor,s sala~ybe ~ne~'eased to ~60.00 per nonthand the ~ee~e~s salal'y be ine~eased to $25.00 pe~ month~both to be ef2ee~ive Ja~,ual-y 1,1953. Motion ~de~seeonded and oax~ted that an elec~te htmatd- ifiev be pumohased fo~ the fivehouse~oost not to exeeed $~00.00 ~t~e fOllowing b~dget i'o~ the yea~1953was eonside~ed:.~ Salaries andWages$~ ~~e ~ Repai~ of Ap~atu~, $16~.~ ~o~e of Equi~n~ $1600.~$ M~n~n~ee ~ Repa~ of Equi~nt $200.~ ~in~ce a Repaim of ~ildi~s I~oe $14~.~ Fi~e~s W~lf~e ~eO0J Miscell~us ~t ~ ~ ~sed $~8~.00. On~tion~de~seoonded ~d it ~as ~esolved to adop~ ~e b~ge$ ~d su~t s~ to ~e of ~Ae Fi~e Distmic~ on S~mst ~6~1952. ~e see~was ~s~c~ $o adve~tise s~e in ~e L.I.~avele~t~Xtuek Wat~ of A~ ~so to pos~ oopies of advertisement ~ five public places,~ ~ p~ep~e ~e b~lo~s fo~ the s~cial~et~. ~ltffo~d Polhemus,Leo J.Baldwtn, and George H.Nine weEe appointed to serve as inspectors of the August ~$~hmeeting. ~ ~esolution was adopted that the inspectors ~ecelve $5,00 earn ~or thei~ eer~vtoes, Motion was m~de,seoonded sndc~l~,led that the meeting be ad ~ou~ne d. D.R.Otl~~