HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/08/1952MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT
Present Comisstoner! Anrif, PennytReems, and Tuthtll,and
Meeting held at the firehouse.sailed to order by the
chairman at ?.30 P.M.
Ifinutee of the last meetin~ 'were read and rpprovedl
The following bills were ordered paid:Sunrise Oil Station
$12.10 & 20.33; M.~anoen 3.00~ L.I.~t~-htin~ (~o. 14.lO;H.Y.Tele~one
co. & · co. ,.oo-;
~ ~ey a,Reeve 11~.50 i Il.iD i ~40.80; ~ma R.~thill 12.90; ~thtll
Supply Co. 20.50; Fi~m~'m Amloe.~tate of S.Y. 4.00; Aamco et Fire
Dimtrtotm State of M.Y. 10.00; ~ffolk Ce.F1re Dimt.0ffteerm Amah.
5.00. Tide~ater Ammoo.0il Co. Bill of &~.~5,~n res'd; Ftremen'm
Amma. S~e Of ~.Y. 5.00.
A new Glens ~lm Indemnity Co. ~ond oovert~ Fi~ District
Treasurer Gildermleeve for t~ p~tod of one 2e~,~ t~i~ t~ pl~e
of a three ye~ bond,~m appre~d by t~ oc~tmmlonerm.
Motion was made,#oonded and carried to have comprehensive
insurance on insurance policies not so covered at the present tt~e,
~ A l~e increase was,noted on the Worknon's Coal~aeatton
instil, arise premium over last yea]~ s p~omium. Motion was madeos®oonded
and carried that Commissioners Anri~ and Penny and Treas.Glldersleeve
m~ke inquiries about rates with other companies.
Notion was made,seconded and carried that two copies of
the 12th edition of the Book of Fire Laws be Imrohased.
Notion was made,seconded and carried that the meetin~ bo
ad3 ourned ·
D. R. Gild e~l eeve, Bec,
Nate:G.~ens ?~aLls lnd~.mn~yt Co,Bond ~496~43. on behalf of Donald
Gildersleeve,Fire Dist. reasurer,sent to Town Clerk with ~ copy
of thO# minutes.