HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/04/1952MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK. LONG ISLAND. N. Y. J'an.4,19§ll, Annual organization meeting. ~esent: Cosmissionerl Anr~, ~llderslee~o,Penny,Reeve,.and T~thill, and Tr~a~.G[Xdersleeve. ~.:~ting held at the firehm~se,called to order By the man mt $ ~:'inutes of the last ~eeting were reaa an~ approved. The secretary,-reported on the annnaX election held on Dee.4, l~§loat w~oh Otto ~.Anrl~ v~ eleote~ a Co~estoner,~nd ~on~.Xd ~. ~ilderoleevo w~ eleot~ District TrofFer,em.oh reoelvins 4~ votes, thio bei~ the total nvmber of vot~o east. The f~llowt~ Bills ~re ~rd~red ~aid:Si~y P,T~l. thill $~0,00~ Le R~y S,Re~e 267,61 ~Traveler~ate~ 5.50. The treasurer took the chair to eond~ct the election of a chairman for 1952. Cite L.Anri~ w~ vn~ously el~ete~,~ ~ain preeid~. ~':otion was ~de,seeonde~ and e~rried that Donald R.GlldersXeeve b~ appointed ~eer~tary for the The treas~rer's annual repe~t of reeeipt~ and ~ls~ree~ents ~80.00; Interest 87.7A; l.~ Fire ~ 25~.50; RSf~nd ~et overoh~fe on OO~ 6..00. Tot~ eOeipts ~10,1i4.74 8al~lee ~ W~e~ ~?~0.09~ ~ainten~oe ~ Repairs (BX~e ~ ~ip, Beat light lnclt~ed). ~lntt~ .60.~1~ Telephone 171.64~ ~ea to E.Y.State ef Fire Districts 10,00~ Xnaur~ee 119~.14; l.S&% Fire ~'~ Fire~n's ~elf~e ~00.00J~i~eat ~rch~ed 1143.60~ ~'ieoell~eoue Tot~ )tl~lementt $6407.60, ~otion made. seconded m~ o~ried that the ~port be aeeepte~ as re~. The foll owt~ ~esGlutlon ~ ~opted: That The l~'orth For~ ~ l~st Oomp~y,~atit,~ok,~.Y.be designated as the 4e~sito~ for l~atti~ek Fi~e ~istriot The ~rea~urer pre~ented all beaks,canes'lied cheeks,vouchers,etc. ~e~lred by law, and the ease were aeknowXe~l~ed by the boa~A. MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK. LONG ISLAND. N. Y. FIR ,] DISTRIOT. ~Otion wa~ ma~e,meegndeA aaa &africa that $6500.00 9f the mur~u~ Rese~e ~nd. ! ~/otlon va~ ma,~Ae, seoon~ed .~nd carried that the treasurer a Bond Totton mad®,meoonde~l and ea~rte~ that future board meetings be h,3ld on the eeoond Frid~ of each month, oom~enein~ Feb.8. Nete.:Treas.Annval F~m~aanelal Report