HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952STATE OF NEW YORK ANNUAL REPORT ~'- ' OF THE FIRE D ISTR I CT TREASURER IN THE leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee COUNTY OF ........................................................ FOR TIlE Rev. This Report must be filed on or before March first. The Fiscal Year is from January first to D~cember thirty-first. · General MUnicipal Law - section 30-31. -To~n Law - Section 181 DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE RECEIPT3 REVENUE RECEIPTS: Property Taxes: (When district is located in more than one town, the property taxes received from each town should be shown. ) Town of Town of Town of Town of Total Taxes ........................................... Other Revenue: Fire Protection Services Rendered Outside District ................... Refunds (Insurance, Etc.) ............ Ail Other (Itemize) ~.~/~F.~ ~ ........ NON-REVENUE RECEIPTS: Notes Issued ........................... (9) $ Bonds Issued ........................... (8) Total Non-Revenue Receipts ............................ TOTAL RECEIPTS .................................... $ BALANCE AT BEGINNING OF YEAR (1~). T~-~gg T ~ or Account ...... Fund ~t ...... TOTAL BALANCE ..................................... (13) TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BALANCE ........................ (l&) /2,7767. Total Other Revenue ................................... (7) $. Total Revenue Receipts (10) DISBURSEMENTS CURRENT EXPENSES: Salaries and Wages .......... · ........... Maintenance and Repair (Bldgs. Equip. ).. Light and Heat... ~surance ............ Advortish~g ............................ Printing ............................... Telephone .............................. Premium on Treasurer' s Bond. Dues Paid to Mew York State AssociatAon of Fire Districts ........ /0, oo Other Expenses (Specify).~' .... Tot~ Curet ~enses ....................... CAPIT~ OUT. Y: Purchase of Apparatus or Equipment ......................... $ ~hase or E~ction of B~ld~gs ...... Total Capit~ Outlay ........................... - ......... (2) DE~ SERVICE: Pa~ent of Notes - Princi~l ........ ;..(3) $ Pa~ent of ~nds -P~ncip~ ........... (3) Interest on Notes ~d ~nds ............ (~) Tot~ Debt Se~ce ...................................... TOTAL D~BU~~S ................................. (5) O0.OO ,-%-3, 0 0 3 GENERAL INFORMAT ION - Ub~irman o£ P.O. Add~es~ DETAII.~.B STATg~7~NT OF INDEBTEDNESS -' Notes "(Principal Only): Outstanding Issued Redeemed Outstan~xng! Types of Notes Beginning During Total During End o~ , · of Year Year Year Year Bond Anticipation '. $ $ Budget ................................................ Tax Anticipation Revenue Anticipation- TOTAL - NOTES Bonds (Principal. Only): Year Interest ' Outstanding Issued Redeemed Outstanding (Show Each Issue'Separately by of Beginning During During End of Title and Purngse of Each) Issue Rate of Year Year. Year Year TOTAL- BQNDS , Town of Town of Town of Town of · D ASSESSED VALUATION OF FIRE DISTRICT (Valuation which was used f6r Spreading the Property Taxes Collected and Shown on Page 2) Tax Rate - Per $1,000 Assessed Valuation ~ERTIFICATE OF FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER TOTAL - ASSESSED VALUATION District for the fiscal year endin~ information and belief. Dated: d~%~'~ j2-~ , 195~_. I_~0/3'~1/-_~' ~ ~[A-~{~.%~p.g~;{/'(~. do.hereby certify that:'Ioam %he Treasurer Print Name ' Fire District located in the Town· or. ~f: ~0 ~ ~ ~ count~ o~ S U ~ ~o ~ ~nd t~t tnJ ~ore~o~n~ ~t~te~nt o~ tH~ reo~t~ ~nd ~m. nt~ o~ ~C S I,, , 195~ iS true to ~e best O~'m~ knowledge,