HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/24/1953MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT
I~II~T~S 0]~ M~ING OF CO~XSSIOI~i::S 1~0
April 24,195~. Present Commissioners Anrig,Gild~rslee~e,Penny,
Reeve, ~ T~, thill, ,~d Tre ma. Gild~rslaeve ·
~,{eeting h, ia at the l'irshouse,e~l~d to order by the
oh*,i~ at 7.45
Pin~tes of the last meeti~ worm re~ ~ approved.
Nominations m~e at the ~n,~ meetin~ of th, Mattit~X
Fire Comply' on April 9 were Willl~ Oh~,~i~ fo~ the off'ice of Chief
:~gineer, Joseph ~ilesXa for let Assist~%,~d Chiles Ni~m for 2nd
Assiat~t. Mo~ion was m~e,aeccnded ~d carried that app~intmenta
m~e as nominated.
Motion ~e,seconded ~nd carrie~ that t~e ~attit~ck Girl
Book, ts be given th.~ use of the fire ho,~se basem~nt for meeting nights,
onee every two weeks.
M~otion made,seconded ~d c~ried that the Mattit~ck Fire
0crappy be pa~.~ the ~o~,nt voted for Firemen's ,~,elf~e for 195~.
~otion m~e,seconded ~d ~ried that dues be pa~d to
the Assn. of Fi~e Dlst~icts,Stat~ o~' ~.Y. mt the new rate of $20.00 ~r
Motion m~de,aecond~a ~d c~ri~ that t~ f~llowing bills
be ~aid: Tidewater Ss~oc.0il Co. $ ~.65; J.R.Ha~i~s 48.50;
0en%r~ Store ~J.95; L.I.Lighting Co. 11.82; N.T.T..le~one Co. 6.75
9.10; N.H~sen 3~.75; Lo~is Dc~ 11.00; Mattituck Fi~ O~. 500.00;
Assm. of Fi~ Bi,ts. S~mte of N.~. 20.00
~ ~otion ma~e,seconded ~d carried that Tony Troy~,
foyer mem~r of th~ ~mttit~ck Fir- Co.,~o baa ~e~n mw~ smd now
ret~rn,d to iattit~,ck,be reSinate, ted ms m. m~mber c~' the Comp~y.
Motion mm~e,secondAed ~ carried t~-~t th~ me~tin~ be
adj o- rn,~.
D .H. Gild,~rsleeve, Ueo.