HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/02/1953MATTITUI~-K FIRE DISTRICT MATTITUIgK, N, Y, iCs, , Jan.~,lg~. A~"fl3AL ORGA~IIZATIOH UE~ING. and ?z~..as. Glld~z~leeve. NeetLng held at t~ho £ta-ehouse, oal~,l ~o o~le~ by ~ tllnutes of the lsat ~ vo~e r~ad and appz~ved, then took the ~ fo~. the e.~ oetio~ of a clmir~m~ of the' boal. d fo:. ti~e yea~ 19.5~. Otto L.Am-ig and seoonded, l~lz~tio~s ~o:~ closed,the vot~ takensand ~as unanimously elooted~again l~kl~ ~he ohal~. Llotion gas made,aooondod and~led tsar Donald R.Gl/d- eX'~leeve be atopoil~,ed oeo~et~-~ fol' ~he ~ 195~at, a ~ Of Tho t~easu~l-ts, ann~,l financial l~epoz~ ~as ~ end ap?o~d, and o~'doved plaee On file, ' ~lo tv~asui'ez, submitted his annual v~ of ~eoelpts ~ £ollowl~ ~o~oluticrn~a~ adopted MATTITUP. I( FIRE: DI-qTRIP. T NIATTITUCK, N. Y. ,Ta~.:~.lgr:~ (Contlzr~ed) '"~.e tPeammez, p~,,oduoed all books,,vo-,a~t~,s,®~,e. es,~oqul~od by la~,an~ s~ae ~e~e ao~odgod b~ the oc~mntnelcx~.m. }3obtan mado,~eoo~lod aadoav~Iod ~a~ $4000,00 of hand at; ~;he olo~o o~. ~he ~ 195G be t~'g~eex, l~/l ~,o Hoeo~.vo L~tion mado,sooo~ded a~d .ax~ied t/~at a fXme alaz~n button bo plaeod in ~L,o ~etdonoe o2 WXlli~ ...!~uso an P~-ko St~eet. The eeovet~u~r ~as instructed ~o see 4esse a~lon af~o~ ~.K~ause~ had been oonsul~od and. ~Iven his pe~i~ton. t!oCton ~s mede, sooonded and camel°d t~a2 t~c sum of $10.00 be sont ~o theI.t.Y.$~a~e Assoo/ation of PiPe Dist~-lo~s in ~esponse to Xts ~'oquos~s fo~ oonta~Abut,!ons ~o ~oll~vo a deflcite On motlon~mado,seoonded and eamPled, thc meetL~ ~ ed~ouz~aed. D .l~. Oil de~sleevee~e~e