HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/03/1954MI~JTE$ OF NEET~IG OF CO$~ISSIO~E~S OF MATTI~ICK FI~qE DISTRICT Mattltuck, Long Island~ N. Y. Aug. 8, 1954. Present Co~nissioners Anrig, Penny, Reeve, Tuthill and Price, and Treas. Gildersleeve. Meeting was held at the firehouse, called to order by the chairman at ?~A§ P.M. Minutes of the last meeting were reaH and a.DDroved. The following bills were ordered paid: N.Y. Telephone Co.- $?.S~, 2.AO & 8.90; L. I. Lighting Co.-$19.A2; M. Hansen-$106.00; Tide Water Assoc. 0il 0o.-$A0.88; Has, tons Fire App. & Equip. 0o.-$111.20; ~, V. DuI-yee-$8.86. A report from the secretary of the Mattituck Fire Company for the year 19§~, showed 26 fire al~rms enswered; 16 Brush ~nd Rubbish, 2 Barns, I Wheat Lot, 2 011 ~rnors, 1 Lumber Pile, rest miscel!aneous~ Total e~tlm~ted damage $1010.00. Hose inventory: 8,000 feet 2~ inch. S,000 feet 1~ inch., 1200 feet booster. On motion made, seconded and carried, it we.s resolved theft the sum of $14,500.00 be raised, by tax for Fire Dist~i~t funds for the eer 1955. 2~e budget w~s a~Tlved at as follow, s: Sa!~r~es and ~age~ 15~.00; ~rchsse of k~para~s $6000.00; ~Pchase of Equi~ent $2000.00 Maintenance ~nd ~pair of Apparatus & Equi~men~ $2000.00; Maintenance and Re~a~r of 5~ildings ~j~1000.O0; ~surmnoe $1600 OO; Fireman's ~Jelfare $S~.~; ~isoell~neous ~ '~ ~ ~14 ~00.00. ~o .... 1? ,700.00 Les, asthma%ed ~eeip~s $200.00; Total %o be raised ~!4,500.00. ~ne cost of a new fire truck to replace the 1928 Graham Truck was e~timated to be $16,000.00 and that the money could be obtained as follows~ $8,000~00 as provided in the ~bove budget; $8, 0~'~ .00 to be transferred fro$ the Capital Heserve ~hnd for a new fire house to a new Oa~al Reserve ~and for e tl%~ck and ~4;000.00 to be transferred from sur- plus-on-hand to the new Oapltal Eeserve Fund. The motion was m~de, seconded and carried that there is created a Capital F~serve ~md for a fire truck pursuant to Section 6-g of the General Municipal Law; that said fund is created to finance ~ll or a part of the cost of said truck. The estimated maximum coat of which is $16,000. That th~s resolution is subject to a permissive referendum. Moved, seconded and carried that $6,000.00 be transferred from the Capital Reserve ~hnd for the construction of a new fire house as est- ablished June 30, 19~0 to the Capital Reserve ~hnd for a new rite truck and that this resolution is subject to a permissive referendum. Motion was made, seconded and carried that the secretary co~ sult with La~yer ~illiam ~ickham to have the proposition set up to meet legal requirements. The commissioners apoo[nted Leo J. Baldwin, Walter Courts, and George H. Nine to serve as tnsoectora of election, and a resolution wes ado?'~ted that they be o~id five do~larA each for th,~!r services. Motion was made, seconded and carried that a concrete ramp be built at the old firehouse after new doors were installed. On motion made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. D. R. Gfldersleeve, Sec.