HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/05/1954MINUTE~ OF ~EBTING OF ¢O~[33IONF. R3 OF TBE MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT ~ MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND. N. Y. NOV, 5, 4 ~ Present ~ Commissioners An~ig~Penny,Tuthill,~d P~ice, ~d Treas.Gildersleeve. Meeting held at t~ firehouse,called to order by th~ cha.irm~n ~ 8 P.N. Minutes of the last meeting were read snd app~ved. The fo~lo~ng billswere ordered p~ld: TideWater Assoc. Oil Co. $5.39; N.Y.Telephone Co. 2.40,6.65, end 665 and Le Roy B.Reeve 24.17; L.I.Li~hting Co. 17.69 & 15.52; M.Hansen ?2.55; Barker's Phs~m~cy .25. Motion was made,seconded ~ndcarried be athorlze~ to buy ~ gross of flares. fha t the ohs irma~ The secretary reported that the date for the annual election would be Dec.7th,~ whfch time a commissioner was to be ~lected in the pl~Ceof Geo.L.Per~ay, and ~ treasurer in theplace of Donald R.Gildersleeve. The secret~ry was &nstructe~ to publish the notices in the Traveler-Watchman. Si~ey H.Gllders~eeve,W~lter Coutts and George H.Ninee were appointed ho Serve ~s inspectors at the above election, and a resolution was adopted that the inspectors be paid $5.00 each for their services. MrJPrice reported that he w~ax~ad completed speci£1e~tions fo~ the ~ apparatus to be purcAased, end Mr. A~rig ~as to make ~rther inquiries ~bout the "walkie-talkie", also to inquire ~bout ~ generator. It was ~greed t~t c~irman was to be asked about the use of the firehouse by other organizations,and he and the sec- ~eta~y would keep record of t~ d~tes,~ avoid conflict. adjourned. On motion made,seconded :. ~Pried the meeting was