HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/26/1954M[ilfl~ITE~ OF MEBTI~IG OF C-,OM~I13$IONERS OF MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK. LONG ISLAND. N. Y. Meeting held at the £/~ehouae,c~ l~d to o;~e~ 'by the the last meeting were ~ead a~ appoz~red. T.~ £o:}.o'~£ng bll~ weA'~ or~ex'od paint M~bel ~.Duryee $~5.75~ M.H~n:~en 1~.80; Ti~e Watex, Asses 0il Co. ~.ASt ~illima F. X~auae ;~75. ~. be s.~thor[zod to oontact the ~ew York Telephone Co~pan~ in regard to Motorola W~ikio-t~lkle "P~ck',~nd to rent same for one yea~. 2~!otion wa~ made;seeonded a~c ar~,ie~ ~h~ ~ sap be put on the c~i~mey, oftAe old X'Irehc, use, etlon ~e, eeoon~d. ~ct c~,~,x~led th~., the ~ ilo~ reoolut&on be .~,.doP~ed:Re~olved b~ the Board of Fire Co~losio~ of Eduoation, ~ ~",15 fuPt~p Rose,wed, that ~t~e .olork ~f t~a boa~ ~ ~re~ !e,~~~ diz'eo~od to l'ur:~i~h a ce~'tified Sony of Resolution .~ D.R.Gllde~s].eeve, seeret=~~ a~ '~reasu~e~,M~ ~[~ Dist~ict, to Be fo~a~ed ~o the Oom~asione~ of Education. a~Journed. On ~otlon made,sooondod ands srried., the meeti~ ?'as D. R. Gtldez,,l aero, Sec.