HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/30/1954 ~~8 OF M~TING .~ COMMISSlOI~R8 OF MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT ' MATTITUCK. LONG ISLAND. N. Y. t pril 30,1~54. Present :Commissioners Anrig, Penny,Beeve,Tuthill, and rice,and Treas.Oilderslee~e. Ales Nessrs.R.,.Barton, and Arnold ~.and o ' ~eetir~ was held at the firehouse,called to order bybthe chairman at 7.45 P.~. Minutes of the last me~ting were read and approved. Motion was made, seconded and carried that the $$00 voted in the 1954 ~d~et ]~e paid to the iMattit~Iok Fire Company. T~e fcllowl~ bills were o~dered ~a~d: ~.Y.Tele~one Co. $6.65 ~.405 8,~nr~ae Oil Station ~D.50~ M.a~sen 19.89; ~.V.~r~e 98.39; tattituok ~ron Works 8.50; L.l.L~ghting Co. ~5.85; H~pton'~ Fire App. & ~q[P.~o. 8.50; T~,thlll SapplF 0~.. 44.00; The Fyr .Fyter Co: 27~.07~ Tide ~ater AsSes Oil 0ol, 19.50, Louis ~a~ger & ~on 25.90, Mattituek Fire Co. 500.00; L & L Food Mkt. §.~§; Fire Fyter Co. Bill for nollles when reoei~d. Ne~ion w~ made.seconded ~d ~ried that t~ followi~ appo~nte ~e ~ade,in accerd~oe with ~om[nations made ~ t~ ~attt~e~ Fire C~F .t its ~na~ election of officers ~ld in A~tl 1954t Chief~ineer;~[lli~ C~di~; Firet.Aeat.Ohi~ -~i~er Chiles Mi~a; Fr~ Z~ea[i,Sr.,Seoond Aest.~ief ~ngineer. Meaars.B~ton ~d L~d,representatives of the FOnt ~el Drive 'Attic Co. Of Clintonville,Wiec. t~disenssed with t~ eo~iasione~ t~ ty~ of fire t~ok t~t ~[ght ~ ~e~ for the district,and w~ld sand ~olfioatione ~d prises later. On motion made,seconded an~ carried, the meeting wa~ a~Jotlrned at 10.10 D.R.Gildersleeve,See.