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HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/23/1954 MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT :" ' MATTITUCK. LONG ISLAND, N.Y. ~" Feb.2$p19~4. Present Colm~iesioners Anrig,l~enny,Reeve,~k~ Tnthlll an~ r!e~, a~d Trems.0ilderol~eve. Nih, tee of the last meeting were read and approved. Th~ following ~ills were ordered pai~:T,~thill Supply Co. $88.00 l~ss diseo~.,nt; L.I.Lighting Co. 19.~2; Tide ~ater A~ee Oil 0o, 14,801 ~lmrenee ~i~,when reoelved; l~i~ C.Welle $1375.00[ The bill of ~r.Wella to be paid ~ter work of paint't~ fireho, ee interior is oompleted ~d O.[.'d by Oe~iestoner Penny. Notion mnde,seeonded and carried that .~r.Prioe met as ~ oozmittee of one to have the shower room re-tiled. The m~eting was tempor,~rily adjourned at this time for demonstration b~ ~' of the N.Y.Telephone Company, of a Notorola oommuni~aticn8 o,~tftt. The meeting being resumed,a motion wa~ made~eeonded and oarried that the tables in th~ fireho~le that were equipped with ferrules tope were not to be loan~d,b,~,t were to be Aept in the fi~e- hollse. Motion was made,seconded and oarried that the firehouse be eq~ipped with new window shades. The eeeeetary was inst~ote~ to ~ orde~ twelve flash- l~.ghte for use by the ft~ polioe. Motion was made,seoonded and oarried that the #walkie- talkie# outfit demonstrated by ]Ir.Calame be tried for the period of lteeting was adjourned,on m~tlon m~e,seoonded ~d o~rie~. D .R. Gild er s loewe. ~]eo.