HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/03/1954~INUTES OF ~TING OF COMMIS8IONERS 0Y
Yeb.,~,1954. l~,eesent :Oom~aissioners AnriE,Penny,Ree~,T~thill, and Price,
and reas.Gilder,~leeve. Also Chief ~.~h~di~ ~d ~enr~ Tyler of the
Fire 09mp~y, ~d Clients
~eeti~ was held at the firdhm~se,c~led
Chai~ ~nrig at 7.45
~int~tes of the last meeting were read and approved.
Notion was made,seconded and carried that the following
s:~pplies be l~,,rchased: 500 ft 1 1/2 inch hose ~ $1.15 ft.; 2 A~ap~ers.
1 Presm~re ~z Gm,ge, 2 Fog liossles. Same were ordered thro,~gh Mr.
Mt.Penny was appointed a committee to have the fire siren
pole nnd siren erected.
The following bills were ordered pai~:Assn.Fire Districts,
State of N.T. $20.00; ~ewitt R~bber Div. 12.¢9~ Wm.L.Barker,~r.
Lo~is Delta 48.~0 & 24.00~ Lei.Lighting Go. 18.64~ ]~Lma R.T~thill 1~.90~
Sunrise 0il ~ta. 10.37; ~,~ff. Co.Fire Diet.Assn. 10.00; N.Y.Telephone C~.
~.40, 6.65; 11.85,& 6,65~ Le Roy S.Reeve 129.50~ Tide Water Assoc.0il
Co. ~.64; Firemen's Assn. State of I~.Y. 4.00; W.V.I~dryee 1.75;S~nrise
0il eta.24.82;N.l~msen 48.1§.
Mt.TYler,as a com~ittee from the Nattit~.~ck Fire 0ompany,
bro~ght the Company's recommendations that a man be employed for
time duty at the fireho, se, ~n whioh case the Fire Company wm~l~ take
oar~ of having someone a% t~ firehm~se nights. It was s~ggested that
a salary of $~00.00 per year sight b~paid the day man. The chair-
man said the matter wo,ld be taken ~.~p f~r f~tnre disc~ssicn.
Mr,Tyler also m~g~ested that ~walkie-te~Lkie, or similar
communication be installed on the fire tracers,ad that same cm~ld be
rented from the New. York Telephone Co. The secretary was instructed to
write the Telephone~ Company a~king if the company w~ld send a represent-
ative to the next ~ oowm~issioners' meeting for talk and demonstration
In answer to a req~,est from the~Suffolk Co~nty Fire District~
Assn.,the Chief Engineer was appointed Fire arden for this district.
The bids for the firehm~se interior painting Job were then
opened. Bide were as follows:Davis & N. ac Millan $1§~5.00; l~.R.Reeve &
Sene $~60~.00; A.Sla~a & Son $~74.00; l~i~ C,Wella $1300.00.
0n motion made,ascended ~d c~ried It was voted to give t~ contract to
Mr.Wells, the lowest bidder.
Motion was made,seconded and carried 'that material be furn&s
nished for fitting Formica tops on 10 tables in the basement, the firemen
to do the work on same.
On motion made,seconded and caried, the meeting was adJo,mrned
D .R. Gilder s ?~e~ e, Se c.