HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/04/1954 NIIi~T'~8 OF NE]ITIN900 C01MISSlON~R8 0Y MATTITUCK FIRE DIE, TRICT MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND. N. Y, &an.4,19§4. Annual 0rganisation ]~eetin~. Pre~ent Commissioners Anrig,Penny,Reeve,~rwin A.Tuthill and Charles A.~rice 3rd,and reas. Gildersleeve. L The treasurer presided for the election of a chairman for lg54. Otto L.Anrig was placed in tao2ination,and there being no other n~mt~ations, on motion made, seconded and carried,he was declared elected,and took the chair. )finutes of the December 1953 m~eting yore read ~d approved. On motion made, seconded and carried,Donald R.Oildersl eeve was appointed secretary for the year 1954,at a salary od $300.00 per year. The trealurer'e annual financial report was read and approved, and a copy ordered placed on file with the minutes. The treasurer's annual report of Reoeipts,,.and Disbursements was a~ follows:RECEIPTS: Town of Southol~d (PropertF 'axes) $7.850.?0, Interest $364..10,Rentals $120.00tSales $2.50. Tota~ A~eeeipts $833?.30. DISBrrRSEMENTS. Salaries & W~ges $1020.00, Maintenance & Repair of Build- ings 116.~4; Maintenance & epair of Apparatvs 1967.A3; Light & Heat 563.?~; Insurance 1311.02; Printing 48.51; Phone 271.31; Prom.on Treas.' Bond 11.25; Dues,N.Y.State Assoo.of Fire Dlst~. ~0.00; Ftre~a ~elf~e 300.00; ~re~enta $6~52.78. Motion m~e,aeconded ~d o~ried that the re~rt be accepted a, read. 0n motion made,seconded and o~ried,the followi~ Resolution was ~opted: Resolved,that the North For~ B~ & T~st Comply ~ n~d t~ ~epository of monies for t~ Mattittt~ Fire District for t~ X954. The tre~vrer ~odvoed ~1 account books,~inutes,c~oelled o~oks,eto, as reqt~ired by law,~d s~e were aeknewle~d by the bo~d. The treas, rer's bond in the amount of $2500.00 was approved signed by the members of the board. Glens Falls Insurance ComPany Bond No. 517736. The followin~ bills were ordered paid: La Roy S.Reeve & §06.00~ Sidney P.~thtll 90.00~L & L Food Mkt.4.X2~ Cha~.Niaka 15.00~ Tnthi~l Supply Co. 88.18 less.disoo~nt. Motion was made,seconded and carried that the secretary obtain bids for painting the interior of the firehouse as per specific- ations appended herewith. Notion was made,seconded and carried that Com~islioners Tuthlll and Price be appointed a committee tooontact the Chief ~ngineer of the Nattituok Fire Company as to the needs of new fire apparatUl and to bring recom~endations to the next commissioner's meeting,~an.29. The leoretary wa~ instrt, cted to w2ite a letter of thanks to Thos.WaLker,Riverhead for the pole donated by hl~ for the l~rpose of holding the new fire siren. On mot~ ads, seconded and carried, the meeting wac adJ o~rned. D.R. Gilders leers, ~eo.