HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954STATE OF NEW YORK ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER ,4,~,4'T-r,z u c..~. ..F'./..C..~. NA~ OF DISTRICT ............................ ..... .. .. IN THE COUNTY OF ........................................................ FOR THE This Repor~ must be filed on or before March first. The Fiscal Year is from January first to December thirty-first. General Municipal Law - Section 30-31. Toun Law - Section 181 DIVISION OF ~UNICIPA~. AFFAIRS CO~PTROTI.£R'S OFFICE RECE IPT$: ' REVENUE I~CEII:'TS ~ Prope~y Ta.x~s: Tom of (When district is located in more than one to~n, the property taxes received from each town should be shown. ) Town of Town of Town of Total Taxes ........................................... (3) ~ ? ~'o A,/~; Other Revenue: Fire Protection Services Rendered Outside District ................... Refunds (Insurance, Etc.) ............ 317. o7 lO,V, o 0 ¢/c, 27 , Tota~ Other Revenue ................................... (?) $ J~ 5~, ~& Total Revenue Receipts ............................ (10) $ ~/'~ ?, 0 ~ NON-REVENUE 'RECEIPTS: Notes Issued ...........................(9) Bonds Issued ...........................(8) Total Non-Revenue Receipts ............................ ~OTAL ~c~.i~s .................................... BALANCE AT BEGINNING OF YEAR (19,~' 2 DISBURSEMENTS CURRENT EXPENSES -. Salaries and Wages ................. · · · · Maintenance and Repair (Bldgs. Equip. ).. :Light and Heat ......................... Insurance Advertising ............................ Printing ............................... Telephone ............................... Premium on Treasurer's Bond ............ Dues Paid to New York State Association of Fire Districts ........ l. . t ¢. ....... Other Expenses (SpecifY) . $. / O.~O. OD ~.0, O0 ,~00, 00 eee · · · · · e e cee e eee eee Total Current Expenses .................. ? ............... (1) $ ~-~ 3 ~, 6 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY.. Purchase of Apparatus or E~ip..t ......................... $/0 4~· 2 ~ Purchase or Erection of Buildings ...... Total Capital Outlay ........................... ......... (2) $ DEBT SERVICE: Payment of Notes - Principal ........... (3) $. Payment of Bonds - Principal ........... (3) · (~) Interest on Notes and Bonds ........... Total Debt Service; ..................................... $ 9Z, ~o?AL D~S~S~E~S (5) $ · e / eeeeeleeeeee~eeeeeeeee eeee eeeee ,, T6~T ~r Acco~ ......... ~OOO- O O lee ee · eee eleeeeeeeeleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ~ ~A~ ~ ~mcs (~) $So11~ g~ ~T~ ..... , ..................... 3 GENERAL INFORMAT ION Is the District governed by the To~n Board or a separate Board of Fire D~str[ct Comm~ ss~oneT? ~, DETAILED STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Motes (Principal Only): Outstanding ISsued Redeemed Outstanding Types of Motes Beginning During Total During End of of Year Year Year Year Bond Anticipation $ .......... $ .......... $; ........ $ ......... $ .......... Capital ........... . ......... ? .......................... Budget ................................................ Tax Anticipation Revenue Anticipation ................................................ TOTAL - NOTES Bonds (Principal Only): Year Interest Outstanding Issued Redeemed Outstanding (Show Each Issue Separately by of Rate Beginning DUring During End of Title and Purnos~ o~ Each) Issue of Year Year Year year ...................... $ ..........$ .........:~ ......... $ .......... TOTAL - BONDS To~n of Towa of TAX RATE AND ASSESSED VALUATI()N OF YAlE DISTRICT (Valuation which was used for Spreading the Property Taxes Collected and Showa on Page 2) Tax Rate Per $1,000 Assessed Valuation .'~ uT'/-f--o~D $ '.~&/ Town of Town of TOTAL - ASSESSED VALUATION CERTIFICATE OF FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER $~,~3~ ,r(=,°. oo Print Name Pire District located in the Town ~'-~: ~._~ (~ County of--~[/~C~O ~-/~ and that the foregoin~ District for the fiscal year endin~ 7~.-C.. ::~ / informatio~nd belief. Dated : ~'~t , , ~95 am the Treasurer statement of the receipts and payments of such Fire , 195~, is true to the best of my knowledge,