HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/07/1955Jsn.7,1965. Present~ Oom.~.ssioners Anrig,?ennT, Priee,and Tuthill, snd
Meeting was held st tho firehouse,celled to oz~er bT the
tPeasurer at 7.30
The treasurer p~esided for tho election of ~ chairman for
1955. Otto L.An~ig was nominated end un~hnouslT elected;~hen took the
'their to conduct the balance of the meeting.
Minutes of the December meeting were ~ead ~d s pp~oved.
Donald R.Glldersleeve was ~ppointed 5ecretsry for the
year 1955, sta salary of iSO0.O0 per year.
The Treasueer's Annual Finanol,~l Repo~t for the year
1954 was read and approved, and a copt of same ordered ~o be filed.
The Treasurer's Annual Report of Receipts and Disbursements
was read and ~pproved. ~aid repo~t ~s as follows~
~EOEIPT3I To~n ~f Southo~d (Pro~rtT Taxes) $7506.16,
Interest 317.07, Rentals 105.00, 1.80~ Fire T,Z 415.79.
~ISBURSEMENTS~ Salaries ~nd ~ges $1020.00, Maintensnce
and A!epairs (BulldAngs) 2898.1~, (Apparatus) 1131.02, Light and Heat
688.48, Insurance 1~77.78, Printing
Premium on Treasurer's Bond 11.25, Dues to N.Y.St~te Assn.Fire Diets.
20.00, 1.80% Fi~e Tax, Fir~men'a ~elfare 300.00, Miaeell~eous
Motion was made, seconded and ca, tied that tb following
Resolution be adopted~ Resolved, that the Mf~zx Nol, th Fo~k Bank and
Trust Oomp~ny be n~ne~ the depository for the Fire District monies for
the Tear 1958.
The t?e~su~e~ produced ell account books,minules,oanoelled
cheeks,ets, as requiPed blt law,~nd s~mo were acknowledged by the
comnd, sai~ers.
~n.l,19~ Otlens Falls Ins.Os. T~easu~er's Bond No.~0345 dated
J~a$~8~SA for Treas.Gildersleeve,was approved. Amount $25~0.00
Motion was made,seconded ~nd c arri&6d theft the secretaz-y~
be auth~oizod to ~dvertise in tho Traveler-Watchman for bids on s new
fire t~Aok after Commissioners Prise and Tuthill (ooenuittee) furnishes
him specifications.
Motion m~de,seconded ~.~nd c a~ried tha~ 4 ~ew red lights
~nd 2 spotlights ~e inst~lled on tho front of the firehouse,Oommissioner
T,~thlll being authog~sed to arrange for the inot:~llation.
The secretary was instructe~ to ~rite ~, letter to R
R.Bassfo~d, seoretary of a carpenter's nnlOn,~dvioi? ~ng him that the
union would be ~llowed to hold ertl2 one mor~ meeting in the old fire
A~I~UAL ORGA~IZ~TIO~ 'aEETI~O (Con~inued)
The followin~ bXlls were ordered psidl T~thlll 3uppl~ 02, $75,60!
~ ,¥ ,Telephone Co, 5,65Z Sidney P,Tuthlll 90.00! Le Roy S.ReeYe 11,25!
L & L Food Mkt, ~,~1; Le Roy 8,Reeve 549,00 & 456,85Z M,~lansen 42,90!
On motion made, eeoonde~ and carried, the meeting was ~dJou~ned.