HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/17/1955MINUTES OF MEETING OF COMMISSIONERS OF MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND. N. Y. June 17,1955. Present Commissioners Anrig,Reeve,Tuthill,Price, and Penny, and Treas. Gildersleeve. Meeting held at th~ firehouse,called to order by the chairman at .30 P .M. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The following bills were ordered pai~: Eugene Lessard $18.00; Fred Taylor B?.O0; N.Y.Telephone Co. 6.68 & 2.40; William Plage 78.60;W.V. Duryee 16.53; M.Hansen 321.14; L.I.Lighting Co. 14.57; Louis Dohm 9~.2~; Ward La France Truck Corp. ?.48; Frank Tyler 10.40; Jas.F.Gildersleeve 18.00; Chas.Miska 20.48. Motion was made,seconded and carried that the f~oodEight truck be advertised for sale. Motion ~ade,seconded and carried that 8 new members be accepted in the Fire Company. Motion made, seconded and carried that the Chief Engineer be authorized to take apparatus out of the Mattituck Fire Distr~t on call from maother fire district. Motion made,seconded and carriedth~ 12 new black firemen's rain- coats be purchased. Motion made,seconded and carried that the fire hydrants be repainted. Motion made,seconded andcarried that the next meeting be held on Frid~,July 18th, at which time the budget for 1986 be drawn up. The meeting was adjourned, on motion made, seconded and carried. D.R.GilderA leeve, Sec.