HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/20/1955MINUTES OF MEETING OF OOMMI3SIONERS OF THE MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK. LONG ISLAND, N. Y. May 20,1955. Present Oommissioners An~ig,Tuthill,Price,Penny,~nd Reeve,and Treas. Oiiersleeve. Meeting held ~ the firehouse,called to order by the chairman at 8 P.M. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The foil_owing bills were ordered pai&t Capital ~eserve'Fundf6rNew Pump) $4003.00 Mauer Motor S~les Corp. $3073.00 (This sum to be paid from Capital Reserve Fund for ~pparatus) N,,Y.T21ephone Co. $2.48 & 6.86~ Sunrise 0il S~a. ~.42j M.Hansen .L 3~.40~ L.I .ghting Co. 15.97~ Boston Woven Hose & Rubbe~ Co. 800.00 less discount; Mattituck Fire Co. ~00.00j Lenny~s Service Eugene Lessard 18.00j Tide Water Assoc.0il Co. 19.03. The secretary was instructed to write the M~ tituck Fire Company a letter recommending that the Company officers elected at the ~nual meeting in April each year take over their respective offices st the first meettng in May~ at tim same time the Chief Engineers take office. Motion was made,seconded andcarried that ~xz ~00 ~eet of ~ 1/2 inch fire hose be ordered, same as recently purchased from the Boston Woven Hose a ~tubber 0o. It was suggested that cards be printed fo~distribution by the Fire Patrol members c~.lling at tention to tD~ Vehicle and Traffic ~aw "Right of W~y' px~visions. On motion m~de, seconded and csrrie..~,the meeting was ~dJourned. D.R.Oildersleeve,Sec.