HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/22/1955MATTITUCK FIRE: DISTRICT
Ap.ril ~2~19§5. Present Commissioners
and "eeve, a~ Treas,Gi~_ersleeve.
Meotlng was held at the fir~ouse,c~led to order
the ohai~an [~$ 7.4[,
Minu~es of the last meeting were read and app~ved,
~e follo~ bills were o~e~d p~ldt N,Y.T:,lep~ne
0o. ~2,40 & 7.~5; L,I.Li~tlng Co. 16.72j L.I.Tr~eler 4.9~
S~ise Oil ~
~t~, 18.54; ~.,~en 281.7~; Tide ~te~ Assoc.011 GO 4.96~
lotion was m~de,sooonde~ ~d oa~led t~t the
follow~ appolntm~nts be m~de,insccord~ce with n~n~tions made by the
Mattituck Fire Company at its em~u~l election held April 7,1955~
O~eff En~ineeP--- O~s,Miska
1st . sst, 0Mef Engineer--- Fr~
Oo~s~oners Penny ~nd F~ioe were t~ppointed to
inspect ~e fi~e well on Weetphali~ Road~and have such repairs made
may be ~eded.
~otion mede, seconded end ~arried that the treasurer
be ~uthorized to pay the lncomin~ bill
Hose · RubbeP Co. on receipt of hose in ~od condition. ~is bill to be
adde~.~ to ~'pay o~der~ dated to-day.
Motion was m~e, seconded u~ :e arried that the secre-
tsry ~otify the Mattituck Fi~ Oompany tha~ in the future probe~iona~
firemen sh~ll not be eligible to vote for ann~ ~mp~,ny office~s at the
On motlon made,seconded a~ o~'ied,the meeti~
wss ~dJ'o~ned,
D. R. Glide rsleeve, ~e c.