HomeMy WebLinkAboutCichanowicz, David J (2) SUBDIVISION MAP Prepared For: David ]. Cichanowicz SITUATE: PF_,CO~C TOWN: SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NY SUFFOLK-. TAX MAP No. IOOO-q-/'-10-2 (proposed lobs [ ,* 2) 1000-85-D-I0.~ (proposed lob ~) 1000-85-~-10.4 (proposed lob 4) SURV'ET'EI::>: NOVEMBER 5, 2002 rev. O1-1;~-O~, 02-08-2005, 0q-1~-2005 05-22-200,0, 0-i-10-200(~, Oq-l.4-2OOq OPINtER ~ APFLICANT, DAVID J. C..IC, HANOY, IICZ I-dAIN ROAI~ PECONIG, N.'r'. I1~Y95 5~HOOL DISTRICT FIRE OISTRICT ~28 11 '/ffi 9 ¢¢FILE No. '/6 5 4 9 #AB$. !;;, ¢ILED 00T 18 2010 FILED OCT 1 8 2Q10 Judith A. Pascale CLERK OF SUFFOI.K COUNTy TEST HOLE OETAIL la a¸ NOTES: ELEVATIOi"I5 SHOP. IN P-JSFERENCE SUFFOLK COUNTY TOFO HAP5 NO hELL5 LOCATED WITHIN 150' OF LOT5 I TOTAL AREA -- Ip81,4'~O SF OR 24.8,2']1~ ACF~-E-~ HONUMENT FOUl, lO POST FOUND < O~ ~ ~'0 LOT4. 2.00ACKF-.5 N~,~'Sq'OS"E I-PJ.~5' M LOT2 T eP. AFHIC SCALE /V ,S' lIVED SUFF. CO, HEALTH SERVICES OFFICE OF WASTE'WATER LOCATION D]AG F-,,,&M SU~?'OLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT, OF HEALTH SERVICES This i~to certipx thak~eltroposed R~ltv_St~division or Develol~n. ent for [.L~c~.b I,-~ L I ¢,~,~t~ t.,~l,{:~l.~; ¢~r-- rathe ~ with a total of %[ lots was al~roved on the above ,lat~ Water SupplieA and Sewage Disposal lfa-cilifie s must conform to consto.tcfion standards in ~ffect at the time of construction and are subject to selxxate permits pm-smmt to those standards. This approval shall be valid only if the realty subdivision/devalopment map is duly filed with the County Clerk within one year of this date. Consent is hereby given for the filing of this map on which thl. endorsement appears in the Office of the County Clerk in accordance with provisions of the Public Health Law and the SllffQIk hviranmantal Qfiality [ S¢~'~"[O, GOVENANT5 ~ RESTRICTIONS LI~gR~ [ L TYPICAL PLOT PLAN noL to .--.¢1~1 CAi NOT 'TO SGAL~ ~,lj? cq 0 2010 LIC ~ .50202 JOHN C. EHLERS LAND SURVEYOR 6 EAST MAIN STI~ ~:T R1VERHEAD, N.Y. 11901 369-8288 Fax 369-8287 N.Y.S. LIC. NO. 50202 RRF-\\Compaqserver~pros\02\02-301d.pm