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HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/18/1955~.iA~UTES OF ~,~EETIi~G 0~' COMMISSIONERS OF
March 1B,lg55.
~Present: Corem ssionez~ ~nrig, Ponn~,Reeve~T~thill,~ Price~d
teas. Gilde ~sleeve,
"~eeting held at the flre~..ou:~o,called to o~er by the chai~
~otion was ~e,s~cond~d ~ that the reading of the ~utes
of the Feb~al~ meeting Oe ~nse,
The following bills were ordered p~id: Tide W~ter Assoc. il Co.
Ll~ti:~g ~o. z6.69;'S~ise Oil Sta.27.~; W.V.Du~ee 3.07S Fi~ E~
~oduets 43.~$ Tuthill Sm~ply Co. 82.~ lesm di~co~$ Powde~
~ice St~.. 7,00.
T~ chat~ ~epo~ted th,~t the p'~up on the 1947 W~ ~a Fr~ce
fire ~t~k h~d become so b~.dl% d~aged tr~,t It vould not
The t~ hsd bee~ t~en to the ~rd L~. ~'~ Oomph.ny i~ New
who h~d estima~ ed that rtpatym to m~ ~ould b~ $41~3,00,0wi~ t~ the
fact tb.~ they ~d gome cst of p~d~ction on Rota:~' p~ps,~'~ p~rts
would hawe to be specially m~de for the rep~:~ir Job. Th~y.recc~ed
a ~el GA-4 Cen~rifUgal f',~p In its place,at a cost of
On ~tlon m~de,~eeonded and ,~arrled t~e follo~ing Re~olution w-a~
~opted~ "Whe~as,dme ~o ~he fact that ~diat$ attention A~ needed
on the ~Wa~ La Fr~e Truck,it is reco~ized t~.t ~ ~r~ncy
~ there should ~e ne ~elat' s~.~ ~s ~ul~ be i~c~m~'od by .:; proposition
~ put t~ Job up fop bids. Therefore a new Centrifugal P~p be
purchased ~ inet~.lled on ;~ai~l truck.
On motion ~de,meco~ed ~r,d carried it was Hesoleed th~:~t there
is created ~ C~pttaLaeserve Fund for ~ Cen~rlfug~l P~p pursuant
to Section $-g of t~ General ~,unicip~,l L~.-~v, th~t s~id fund is created
to finance ~ll or. a part of ~ ~.uro~:~e of said p~p~the e~timated
~ coat of which is $400~,~0. Theft t~s resolutlcn is subject
a pe~.ssive refe~nd~.
Motion was m~.e, seconde~ ~ carried that the s~ of
Be transferred f~m the O:-.pttel 2e~e~e F~ for a Fi~e~use ~
C~:.pital ~se~e F-~d for ,.~ Oentrifagal P~p,-,~hen s~f,~d is eetab-
lis~d,$ that t~s tr~nsfer is m~Oject to .. f,~:~,ss!ve refer'end's.
T~ secretary was i~truct,d to consult with La,er Willi~
Wtc~.m ~ have the propositions set up ~ co~rm ,,~ith legal
menta~d to necesas~ notlce~ publishedi~ the, L.I.Traveler,
Motion was made,seco~ed ~d c~.~rried that ~0 fcet cf 600 po~
pressure 2 1/2 in~ treated fire hose be pur~ased at ~: o~oted price
of $1.80 per foo~.
-~otion ~a msde,seco~ed ~ carried th~.t the ch~m,~ be
authorimed ~ si~ t~ ontracts for the Centrifug~l P~p,and for
t~ fire hose.
On motion made, seconded and carrled~the meeting ~ as ~djo~ed.
D. R. Gil_de~x~..e eve, Sec.