HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/23/1956/~LINUTES 01,' ~iEL:TJ[~G OF CO~m~[3$J[ONEIiS OF
}~ov.23,1956. Present Commis~.~ oners anri~,P< nny,-Rrice,and Tuthlll.
~eeting held ~t t~ fi~ehouse, c~l led to o'~er by Ch~
~ antig at 7.30
Owing to the hbsence of tho secret~ry, Oommissioner
Pre. ce w~s ~: ppointed to take his place.
~iinutesof the last meeting were read ~nd ~p~,roved.
The £ollo,,~ing bills were ordered p, id: St.James
Electric~ 1 Service ~,2427.55. N.¥.Telephone Co. 7.1~ & 2.40;Suffolk~
~iont~ uk Supply Co. 282.00; Le Roy S.Re~ve 2~.05 ;Cc~liforni~. Oil Co.
16.88; Tidewater Oil Co. 1.94; ~,.V.Du~ee 4.50; Sunrise Oil Sba.
128.~8; L.I.Traveler 27.50 & ~.30; Mc Cabes 28.95; L.I Lighting Co.
16.66~, ; Louis Dohm 146.07. '
The matter of location of new fire hydrants was da~-
cussed,particularly ~s to Shore ~cres.
T~e newly' inst~ile~i fire siren was tested with
Shelton of the St.J~aes Elec.Service Co.
C°~'~missioner £r~in Tuthill was appOinte~,~ to.check
on the removal of the old fire siren from the roof of Duryee,s store.
Telephone fire alarm buttons in ~m.Krause ~.nd M s.L.C.
Gildersleeve homes Were voted to be disconnected J~n.l,1957. The
ch'~irm,.n to take charge of the m~:tter.
The' secret~ry w~s instructeo: to w~te letter o~' thanks
to all o~ners of places where phones for fire ~:larms hsd been placed.
~,,otion made,seconde ~nd carrieC, th~ 1 pike pole
be purchased,cost to be ~35.00.
~nd carried. ~eettng was adjourned ~t 8.30,on motion m~de,se~nded
C~'s.A.Price3rd,Sec Fro Tern.