HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/13/1956MI~0TES OF CO~iMISSIONERS OF MATTITUCK FiRE DiSTRiCT MATTITUCK. LONG ISLAND. N.Y. July 13,1956. Present:Commissioners Anrig, Penny~Reeve,Tuthill, and ~rioe,~nd '~roas.Gildersleeve. ~eeting was held at the firehouse,calle to ~der by Chairman An~ig ~:t 7.30 P.M. ~inutes of the last meeting were read ~,nd ~ppx~ved. The foLlow,lng bills wer~ o~dered psi&: N1.Y.Telephone Co. ,29.0$;M~uer i~otor Sales Corp. 4.~i~; George =aylor ~;1.O0;C~llfo~la Oil Co. 4.0A; H~m~tons Fi~ App.& E~ip Co. 3.7~; J.W.Boutcher ~.00. :~otion m~de,seconded a~ carried thit 24 yellow r~:in co~ts,sa~ to be m~:rked "Fire Police',be purchased. NAotion v~as m~: de, seconded ~nd c~:~.rried, the following ha budget for the year 1957 be adopted$ B~laries and ~ages purch~se of ~a~r~tus & Equipment M.~intenance ond aep~lr of App,-: ratus and Equipment Maintenance ~nd mepair of Buildings C~pital Reserve Fu:~d for Firehouse. C~pital aeserve Fund for A~p~ratus Fire ~ells Insurance Uniforms Mi s ce 11 ~neous Total 1~00.00 5700. oO 25~0. oO 1300. oO 4000.00 1500. O0 5O00. O0 2000°00 500.00 o0- Less Estim~:te~ Receipts 100.00 Total amount to be raised $22,200~00 Motion made,seconded ~nd c~:rried that a proposition to r~ise t~ ~bove ~:mount by tax be submitted to the t~xp~.yers of the District at a Special Meeting on August ~4,1956, and that the notice of the said meeting be pUblishe~ in the ~raveler-~atchman. Sidney H.Oildersleeve,Geor~e H.Nine,~nd W~lter Courts were ~ppointe~ to serve as inspectors of election on Aug.14,~nd in the event any were unable to serve,the secret~ry was authorized to appoint substitutes. On motion m~de, seconded and c~rrled, a resolution was adopte~ tt.~..t the inspectors be p~id $~.~ each for their services. On motion m,de,seconde~.~ ~.ndc~rried it was voted to purch~se a desk an~ 6 c~lrs for use in the co~m~ismioners' meeting room. ~r.P~eve ~as ~ppointed to m~e the purchase. MINUTES OF ~;TING OF COMM~rS$IONER3 OF MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK. LONG ISLAND, N.Y. July 1,, ,1956 (Continued) On motion made, seconde.~ and carried, the following ResolUtions were ~dopted: 1. Th.~:t in ~ugust 1954 ~ C~pit~l Eeserve Fund in the mount of $16,~00.~ for the p.~rch~se of ~ new fire truck was created,and whereas cost of s~.id fire truck, when purchased, as $11,669.(~),there was a balance of $45~1.00 rem~ining in said Fu~. This b~l~nce,~ith accumulated interest to date,now ~mounts to $~-05. O! 2. That this sum of~. ~ ~&-v ~. o/ be continued as a Capital Reserve Fund for a ~ew Fire Truck,ma~ co~t of same estimated, at $20,~00.00, or if necess~ry,~, new C~.~it:~l ~eserve Fund for a ~ew T Fire ruc~ be created,and the ~A'D~,o! be ~dded thereto. It was u~derstood that the ~.1500.00 for "C~pit~ 1 ~ese~ve for Apparatus include, in the propose budget for 1957 ~as to be included in t.he ~bove mentione± Fund ~e~ received. The secretary ~.'~as instructed to h~ ve La~,,yer William Wick&am dr~ w up ~nd publish the necess~ry notices.