HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/18/1956~I?~TE$ OF ~EETII~G OF CO},~ISSIONERS OF MATTiTUCK FIRE DISTRICT MAtTItUCK. LONG ISLAND, N.Y. 4 1956. Present:Commissioners Anrlg, Reeve,Tuthlll,and Price ~_nd Treas. Gildersleeve. Meeting held ~t the firehouse, called to ~ order b2 the ch~:lrman ~t ?.40 P.M. Mt. Charles Frazeee,of the N.¥.Telephone Company was present to dis- cuss the proposition of a hook-up (telephone) with the Southold Town ~:olice Office for fire alarm service. A motion was m, de, seconded snd carried ths~ a new fire alarm s~stem be installed by ~ich fire calls will be made through the Southold Towm Police 0ffico ~t Pe~nic,arrangemen2s to be m~de with the New York Telephone Co. Minutes of the .last meetln~, ?~ere ~-ead ~nd ~pp.~oved. The following bills were ordered p~:id~Tide hater ~ssoe.0tl Co. $7.24 ~d 3.5~; L.I.T~:.veleer 12.~; .N.Y.Tel~_~:~hone Co. 6.65 & 2.40; ~'~.V.Dur~ee 9.34; ~'~.M.Beebe's Sons 1~.00; M.~4'ansen 35.40; L.I.Llghting Co. 14.96; Fire ~End P~oducts 22.67; C. !ifoz=~i..-~ 0i! Co. 2.14;H~mptons Fire.App. & Equ~,~p Co. 70.~0; Sunrise Su~'gic~ 1 Supply Os. 445.00 less 37.~0 i'or 2 t~nk~. Motion m~de, secOn0.ed {~ndo srried that tP.~ fire house lot be kept mowed. motion was made,seConde ?r~i c, rri(:d that a new 'fi~'e siren be ~ur- chased,~'.nd th* advertisement for bids b~ published in the L.I.-~rav- elex' of M~y ~l,1956,blds to bein the h.'.nds of the secx~tary by 7.30 P.M. ~une 2X?Ja ~une 22. On motion m~de,seconded and carried, the meatin~ was adjourned.