HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/09/1956MINUTES OF MEh~ING OF O0~.~ISSIONERS OF MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT MATTITUCK. LONG ISLAND. N.Y. March 9,1956. Present Commissioners Anrig, Pe~ ny, Reeve,Tuthlll, ~nd Price, end Treas.Glldersleeve. Meeting held ~t the firehouse,c~lled to order by the ch~ irm~n ~ t 8 P. ~. Minutes of the last m~eting were read ...~nd ~.~pproved. The fo~lowt~ bills we~ o~ered p~i~: ~.Bee~'s Bons $57.00; S~ise Oil St~. 4~.~)9; N.Y.Telephone Co. 6.75 & 2.40;Tr~vele~ W~~x~ 8.10; Elm~. R.Tu. thlll 1~4.00; Califo~a Oil Co. 8.00;H~mptons Fi~ App.~ Eq~p. Oo. 26o.28;Lo~s Dohm 34.00. The sec~t~ repo~ted that,o-~ing to ~ mis~erstu~ding about the ads fo~ fi~e ~,ell ~ fi~'e t~ck bids,the ad h~d .,ppea~d o~y in t~ ~v~vele~. to, sm,but ~',ould be published in the News~ewiew next Owing ~ t~ fsct that the fire siren h~d blo~.~ ~t ~ A.M. this morning, thou~t ~ be due to ~. s~rt circuit,electrician J.R.Hawkins was asked to string ~new wire from the :lm~ box on Love L~ne ~ the fi~ house; ~lso the si~n was to be se~tced. The sec~'eta~ was inst~cted to send fire well :~ fire cistern a~cificaticns to Dist.Engineer ~.E.Goul,as requested in his letter to Mr.A~ig, d. ated M~:rch 2,1~56. On motion m~-de, seconded and c ~rried,the m~eting was adjourned. D.R .Gildersleeve, Sec. /